Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Being 25 is extraordinarily stressful.

I feel the need to work with people right now. As in the last year. Not the typical charity stuff I USED to have time for, but a career change. Its just not moving fast enough, compounded by my indecisiveness. Behavioral health is such a vast field... its simply a matter of narrowing it down and finding where I fit. As always, this only a step. Up up and away.

And yet, there is the California pull. You would think one would grow out of this. I feel no shame or remorse in regards to my addiction to music. 10 years?

Now I have to go cancel a romantic weekend trip to Napa. Im sure he will understand. Really. THE SCREENING has been announced and shall not be missed.

1 comment:

Maria said...

You were going to wine country without me? Dude, I'm butt-hurt. Buy me a cocktail and I'll forgive you. ;p