Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hug the planet Assholes

The machine has been spinning its wheels since I was in primary school. Admittedly raised in a wildly liberal California, I was aware of the deterioration of the planet - caused by humans- from a very young age. As children we were warned of the consequences of pollution, holes in the ozone layer, global warming and the misogynistic/ christian kill em' all cause that's what they are here for mentality.

It appears to me that (20 years later) the cognizant public is starting to get it.

I watch a considerable amount of television these days, all of it news. (the evolving zeitgeist that I mention in my last post has made for some great new programing). From bbc world news, to Link and google current, I feel as though I have a pretty good idea of what kind of info the general populace is getting and/or interested in. We wont talk about my cspan addiction.

Every day. Every single day, there are reports about global warming. On every network... even cspan. Everyone is talking about it, which leads me to believe that everyone is concerned about it. As well they should be.

The environmental messiah has been nominated for the Nobel peace fucking prize. No shit. His ground breaking movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is being trumpeted as the cause for the general awareness that I have blissfully fell upon. In the news this week, Im sure you saw, more than once, the IPCC's report confirming that humans are responsible for global warming. It took a panel of geeky types to reiterate what Ive known since primary school, and 20 fucking years. Here I go again with the I told you so's.

In a nut shell, if you keep driving that SUV in oblivious chosen ignorance, your stupidity WILL cause the death of millions of people. YOUR planet will change so drastically, it will not sustain human life as we know it.

Funny evil story- I'm in the city of angels last night. An accident occurred on the freeway. Normally, this would concern me. Is everyone okay? Have the officials been called? Alas, I noticed what vehicles were involved. My heart stood sill, in joyous rapture, as I noticed an SUV had collided with a particularly hideous truck (with one of those fancy lift kits ha ha ha). Both monstrosities had crumbled with the impact. As I slowly drove by heckling and hoping that all of the passengers had died or been seriously injured, I remembered I wasn't alone. My friend requested that I never stop being so EVIL. It makes his tummy warm.

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