about the humanitarian crisis in Burma.
Pictured is a monk who was beaten to death for speaking out against injustice. This isn't just a police state. There are several police states on the planet, for shits sake we are becoming one. But the Junta are targeting monks. These men are so far above your typical bible thumping hypocritical god bag it sickening. These men live and breathe the path, they are truly good and holy men. You don't hear about monks molesting children or dictating morality to others- this behavior is beneath them. They dedicate their lives to the cause.
Monks are fierce. They wont stop until their goal is accomplished. The people of Burma want their country back, they want democracy. The Junta are behaving in a manner befitting of the Gestapo. People are being imprisoned for protesting, torn from their homes in the still of night and 'disappeared'. Our present government must be forced to act. You see, unlike Iraq, the Burmese dictatorship is friendly to American oil and natural gas interests therefore its no use for the U.S. to 'liberate' them. So lets make them care, lets hit them where it hurts.
Over at daily kos the net roots communities are gathering to force our government and the corporations that fund to act against this humanitarian nightmare. In a nut shell, Dont go to Chevron for gasoline, and call this number 925-842-1000 on Tuesday 10/9 and raise some hell. Let them know you wont be purchasing their products until they stop funding a military regime in Burma. You can also flood Chevron fax machines with pro- democracy messages here 415-894-6817. For more info and ideas, keep up with daily kos or the kids over at white rose society.
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