People usually have to come to terms with death and disappointment. I have philosophical meltdowns about CSPAN.
To preface- I'm in love with Barack Obama. He sweeps me off my bitter, cynical feet and has done so ever since I read The Audacity of Hope. He has the power to make me feel optimistic and hopeful.. which doesn't typically happen to me without ingesting synthetic substances. He has done things that disappoint me, like you know- attending church. But nobody is perfect and there has yet to be a candidate that matches up perfectly with my crazy left wing tree hugging ideals.
Last Friday, the House of Representatives passed HR6304 which included criminal immunity for telecom companies who illegally wire-tapped American citizens in the wake of September 11th. Its being heralded as a bi-partisan compromise- lauded by our venerable Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. She expressed a sense of urgency- and although she have "preferred" an earlier bill (one that DID NOT) include immunity- the new bill was apparently the best our democratic majority could muster.
I was infuriated. My very own representative, Mr. Joe Baca, voted for the bill. Damn it I called the guy at least 3 times last week! the thought of our 4th amendment right to privacy has been pissed on over and over again... we as American people have a right to know exactly what crimes were committed by the white house and they must be held accountable!
The next step of course is for the Senate to rubber stamp the bill and send it off to King Bush and viola! the pillaging is complete. To my greatest disappointment, senator Obama has voiced his support for what can only be described as a democratic capitulation to FEAR. Once, I was livid. And heart broken. It seemed my philosophical love affair with Mr. Obama was coming to an end.
I get it. Senators like Obama are afraid of appearing weak on terror. Who wouldn't in this era of 30 second CNN soundbites about fist-pumps by candidates wives and yet another he said, he said religious test squabble. Issues? Nobody talks about issues- we cant touch the growing plutocracy, the carpet bombing of congressional election funds by telcos the day BEFORE and AFTER voting on the bill took place, or anything substantive for that matter. Obama, Pelosi, and other compromising dems claim that the new bill will put some structure into place. Since the old FISA expired the white house has no regulation on spying whatsoever, even via secret court. Besides, people can still pursue civil litigation.
It doesn't speak to accountability. We are allowing this to happen. I cant not NOT vote for Obama come November, there is simply too much at stake. The senate vote has been delayed until next month due to mavericks like Chris Dodd and Patrick Leahy. In the meantime, there is outrage building and action is being taken.
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Saturday, June 28, 2008
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