Sunday, November 05, 2006


Its a simple request. The planet that you call home beseeches you.

We simply cannot carry on at this pace. The evidence is out there. In 50 years, there wont be any more fish in the ocean. 50 FUCKING YEARS. I plan on living that long, if for no other reason than to watch the destruction humanity reeks upon itself.

Lets consider the impact of several extinct species on the planet shall we? Its not about sushi. An entire community of ecosystems will be obliterated. Mammals like whales and dolphins will be completely extinct, nothing more than children's stories. The coral reefs which provide oxygen to all living things- gone. Shit, by that time we will all be breathing through oxygen tanks because the middle class has to drive their minivans and SUV's. Yeah.

Read the article. Do you see who impacted the most? As usual, its the poor and under-educated. Its the people who are starving to death is under industrialized countries. People are dying from diseases that can be cured with a 5$ shot. Children are being robbed of life by Aids. Millions of people don't have clean water. A simple thing like clean water.

Overpopulation is to blame. People have become a parasite on this planet. Draining every natural resource with reckless abandon. In booming countries like the US, we have sacrificed the environment for a steady climb to the top. With no sense of responsibility (to each other or the rest of the world).

I was discussing my passion for environmental issues with a colleague the other day. He didn't like being questioned about the reasoning behind purchasing an automobile that was a menace to humanity. He asked what I thought he should with his 5 children. 5 CHILDREN? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Is your life that empty? Why do people feel the need to reproduce in the face of overpopulation? There are millions of children who have no parents, no home, no food or opportunity for education. There are kids in your immediate vicinity who are abused and abandoned that need love more than you need to pass on your "seed". Its total and utter selfishness. Any excuse you can come up with is most likely rooted in completely unfounded narcissism and/ greed. Prove me wrong. I'll give you 10 bucks.

So, I say again, please stop having children. There are plenty in the world that need parents. Also, please don't ever order fish if we go to a restaurant together. I will vomit on your plate. Not kidding.

Make sure you vote this Tuesday. I'M NOT KIDDING GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE. We have a chance at winning back the house AND senate. Imagine, a functional checks and balances system on the executive branch of government. We are so close.

1 comment:

Uncle Labotomy said...

But if I don't have 50 kids I can't drive that big SUV.