Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Feminists do it better

Like you didn't know that already! Yeah, people that have integrity and self esteem tend to be happier.

ScienceDaily reports on a Rutgers study that demonstrates the obvious- we have better relationships, "greater life experience". Sexual satisfaction? Even our male counterparts enjoy their feminist lovers- they report more stability AND GREATER SEXUAL SATISFACTION.

Feminist stereotypes are the result of fear. Open your eyes and see the homophobic patriarchy for what it is- a bunch of scared, gun owning, uneducated racist repugs who know damn well their grip is slipping in the name of reason and rationality.

Is this why King Bush hates teh science?


Maria said...

Nah, I think it's just 'coz he knows he's too stupid to understand science.

Hugo Schwyzer said...

Thanks for coming over to make that point and post the link... cheers.