Finally, the fucking fantastic John Edwards has announced he will be running for pres in '08. My liberal heart is filled with joy at the thought of a president who has a legitimate college education.
Okay, this is bigger than a degree.
Edwards is not afraid. He put his bid in early. His intentions are painfully clear. There can be no question about his potential domestic and foreign policy.
I'm still waiting for word from the Wesley camp. Oh, how I love politics.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Its that time of the month again!
Yay! And I still haven't figured out what I am going to about it. My estrogen rich ovaries continue to drop eggs into my pesky uterus. Perhaps one of the two readers of my blog would like to harvest this awful organ? I have no need of it and its in tip top shape.
Ah the looming presidential primaries. Such an exciting and important time. Truth be told, I'll vote for whatever democrat makes it through the primaries on top. Even it is the queen of "lets appeal to the moderates" Hillary Clinton. Republicans have one thing right- establish you're ideas, and stick to them. This fair lady is even loved by the neo-cons...
I would love to see Wesley Clark run this time. With John Edwards at his side they could navigate the sweeping change that must take place in this country. By the way naysayer, its not because Wes is dead sexy. He is a millitary genius and is a rogue scholar. What better person to guide us out a civil war WE created? Thats going to be tough.
Avast! People are trying to organize in a sensible manner to cure the ills of the planet and solve the problem of Global Warming. So far, so good. Its seems we have an agenda, and a clever little list (that made me cry for a good hour) to delineate what needs to be done. See the report on BBC world news United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Take it from there if you care. If not, go and drive that gas guzzling monstrosity while I enjoy my constitutional liberties. Whatever makes you happy.
Speeaking of happy! wooo hoooo! I shoiuldnt have taken that second pill. Fallling out of my chair and what not. Im going to finish off this gallon of H2O and hope you wont have to build a bridge over my ass in the morning.
Ah the looming presidential primaries. Such an exciting and important time. Truth be told, I'll vote for whatever democrat makes it through the primaries on top. Even it is the queen of "lets appeal to the moderates" Hillary Clinton. Republicans have one thing right- establish you're ideas, and stick to them. This fair lady is even loved by the neo-cons...
I would love to see Wesley Clark run this time. With John Edwards at his side they could navigate the sweeping change that must take place in this country. By the way naysayer, its not because Wes is dead sexy. He is a millitary genius and is a rogue scholar. What better person to guide us out a civil war WE created? Thats going to be tough.
Avast! People are trying to organize in a sensible manner to cure the ills of the planet and solve the problem of Global Warming. So far, so good. Its seems we have an agenda, and a clever little list (that made me cry for a good hour) to delineate what needs to be done. See the report on BBC world news United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Take it from there if you care. If not, go and drive that gas guzzling monstrosity while I enjoy my constitutional liberties. Whatever makes you happy.
Speeaking of happy! wooo hoooo! I shoiuldnt have taken that second pill. Fallling out of my chair and what not. Im going to finish off this gallon of H2O and hope you wont have to build a bridge over my ass in the morning.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
In case you are living in an ignorant cave aka the Midwest, ALJAZEERA has launched a kick ass English news network. Its been in the works for quite some time, and I was obviously fired up about it. Being a victim of American television, spin, and one sided information has left me badly bruised and in desperate need of legitimate information. My only source for good info on the tube is BBC (of course) and Mosaic on the link channel. Yummy. In Aljazeera's case, the bias will be a refreshing slap in the face. Wake up America, people are suffering while you are blissfully oblivious.
But, of course, Americans don't get to watch Aljazeera. There aren't any networks or cable providers, other than a french satellite service that nobody gives a shit about that have the guts to carry it. Fuck the religious right and their insistence that we stay ignorant and uninformed. Yeah that's your personal decision to suspend all reason and rationality in order to pursue a blind faith in you re country. How UN- American. Go fuck your sister and leave my civil rights alone.
Point- I need help. Not the psychological kind, but I want answers and ACTION. Please please please if you know of any organizations that are backing Aljazeera in the states send me a message or leave a comment. If you have any tid bits of info in regards to WHY it isn't available, please drop a line.
But, of course, Americans don't get to watch Aljazeera. There aren't any networks or cable providers, other than a french satellite service that nobody gives a shit about that have the guts to carry it. Fuck the religious right and their insistence that we stay ignorant and uninformed. Yeah that's your personal decision to suspend all reason and rationality in order to pursue a blind faith in you re country. How UN- American. Go fuck your sister and leave my civil rights alone.
Point- I need help. Not the psychological kind, but I want answers and ACTION. Please please please if you know of any organizations that are backing Aljazeera in the states send me a message or leave a comment. If you have any tid bits of info in regards to WHY it isn't available, please drop a line.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Unexpected Breathtaking Happiness
Three words you probably never thought you would hear coming from me. There it is regardless, every letter of it true and heartfelt.
The dems have claimed the house and senate, restoring a long forgotten checks and balances of the 3 branches of government. Namely, the executive branch, which will no longer have the capacity to assault the American people signing away our lives in the middle of the night. Yay! The world community joins us in celebration, as we can once again dare to hope. Hope... what a strange and fascinating emotion. Its so refreshing. For so long I have been filled with sorrow, hate, and hopelessness as the Republicans ran a rampant psychotic agenda to drive us all into the ground. I'm not alone in this optimism. Democrats will find their strength and challenge the atrocities that have taken place in the last decade. We are prepared to face the devastation, because now we know it can be repaired.
My reaction to the overwhelming good news post election day were to first run to the restroom and cry joyously, then spread the excitement to everyone around me. This was before Donald Ayatollah Rumsfeld resigned! Imagine my glee when checking on the very tight race for senate control only to fin the smirking chimp gasping for air through stutters and excuses.
It was quite unexpected for most of us, but most likely planned by the Bush cabinet. Its a strong game plan- obviously Rummy will be seen as the orchestrator of the devastation in Iraq. Just what the Repubs need- a scapegoat. He made it easy with the torturing with no conscience bit. He went so far as to excuse the atrocities at Abu Ghraib and even defended water boarding as a 'humane' interrogation technique. He should have been charged with crimes against humanity, while his boss was impeached and charged for the same crimes. I'll be patient, because George's day will come. Just as Rummy's did.
There is plenty of time to speak of voting fraud, the complexities of pulling out of Iraq, the fact we still have a retarded movie star as a governor, and the tragic failure of proposition 87. Right now, this moment, we rejoice and make plans for the future no longer afraid of a fascist state.
What a fucking relief.
The dems have claimed the house and senate, restoring a long forgotten checks and balances of the 3 branches of government. Namely, the executive branch, which will no longer have the capacity to assault the American people signing away our lives in the middle of the night. Yay! The world community joins us in celebration, as we can once again dare to hope. Hope... what a strange and fascinating emotion. Its so refreshing. For so long I have been filled with sorrow, hate, and hopelessness as the Republicans ran a rampant psychotic agenda to drive us all into the ground. I'm not alone in this optimism. Democrats will find their strength and challenge the atrocities that have taken place in the last decade. We are prepared to face the devastation, because now we know it can be repaired.
My reaction to the overwhelming good news post election day were to first run to the restroom and cry joyously, then spread the excitement to everyone around me. This was before Donald Ayatollah Rumsfeld resigned! Imagine my glee when checking on the very tight race for senate control only to fin the smirking chimp gasping for air through stutters and excuses.
It was quite unexpected for most of us, but most likely planned by the Bush cabinet. Its a strong game plan- obviously Rummy will be seen as the orchestrator of the devastation in Iraq. Just what the Repubs need- a scapegoat. He made it easy with the torturing with no conscience bit. He went so far as to excuse the atrocities at Abu Ghraib and even defended water boarding as a 'humane' interrogation technique. He should have been charged with crimes against humanity, while his boss was impeached and charged for the same crimes. I'll be patient, because George's day will come. Just as Rummy's did.
There is plenty of time to speak of voting fraud, the complexities of pulling out of Iraq, the fact we still have a retarded movie star as a governor, and the tragic failure of proposition 87. Right now, this moment, we rejoice and make plans for the future no longer afraid of a fascist state.
What a fucking relief.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Its a simple request. The planet that you call home beseeches you.
We simply cannot carry on at this pace. The evidence is out there. In 50 years, there wont be any more fish in the ocean. 50 FUCKING YEARS. I plan on living that long, if for no other reason than to watch the destruction humanity reeks upon itself.
Lets consider the impact of several extinct species on the planet shall we? Its not about sushi. An entire community of ecosystems will be obliterated. Mammals like whales and dolphins will be completely extinct, nothing more than children's stories. The coral reefs which provide oxygen to all living things- gone. Shit, by that time we will all be breathing through oxygen tanks because the middle class has to drive their minivans and SUV's. Yeah.
Read the article. Do you see who impacted the most? As usual, its the poor and under-educated. Its the people who are starving to death is under industrialized countries. People are dying from diseases that can be cured with a 5$ shot. Children are being robbed of life by Aids. Millions of people don't have clean water. A simple thing like clean water.
Overpopulation is to blame. People have become a parasite on this planet. Draining every natural resource with reckless abandon. In booming countries like the US, we have sacrificed the environment for a steady climb to the top. With no sense of responsibility (to each other or the rest of the world).
I was discussing my passion for environmental issues with a colleague the other day. He didn't like being questioned about the reasoning behind purchasing an automobile that was a menace to humanity. He asked what I thought he should with his 5 children. 5 CHILDREN? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Is your life that empty? Why do people feel the need to reproduce in the face of overpopulation? There are millions of children who have no parents, no home, no food or opportunity for education. There are kids in your immediate vicinity who are abused and abandoned that need love more than you need to pass on your "seed". Its total and utter selfishness. Any excuse you can come up with is most likely rooted in completely unfounded narcissism and/ greed. Prove me wrong. I'll give you 10 bucks.
So, I say again, please stop having children. There are plenty in the world that need parents. Also, please don't ever order fish if we go to a restaurant together. I will vomit on your plate. Not kidding.
Make sure you vote this Tuesday. I'M NOT KIDDING GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE. We have a chance at winning back the house AND senate. Imagine, a functional checks and balances system on the executive branch of government. We are so close.
We simply cannot carry on at this pace. The evidence is out there. In 50 years, there wont be any more fish in the ocean. 50 FUCKING YEARS. I plan on living that long, if for no other reason than to watch the destruction humanity reeks upon itself.
Lets consider the impact of several extinct species on the planet shall we? Its not about sushi. An entire community of ecosystems will be obliterated. Mammals like whales and dolphins will be completely extinct, nothing more than children's stories. The coral reefs which provide oxygen to all living things- gone. Shit, by that time we will all be breathing through oxygen tanks because the middle class has to drive their minivans and SUV's. Yeah.
Read the article. Do you see who impacted the most? As usual, its the poor and under-educated. Its the people who are starving to death is under industrialized countries. People are dying from diseases that can be cured with a 5$ shot. Children are being robbed of life by Aids. Millions of people don't have clean water. A simple thing like clean water.
Overpopulation is to blame. People have become a parasite on this planet. Draining every natural resource with reckless abandon. In booming countries like the US, we have sacrificed the environment for a steady climb to the top. With no sense of responsibility (to each other or the rest of the world).
I was discussing my passion for environmental issues with a colleague the other day. He didn't like being questioned about the reasoning behind purchasing an automobile that was a menace to humanity. He asked what I thought he should with his 5 children. 5 CHILDREN? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Is your life that empty? Why do people feel the need to reproduce in the face of overpopulation? There are millions of children who have no parents, no home, no food or opportunity for education. There are kids in your immediate vicinity who are abused and abandoned that need love more than you need to pass on your "seed". Its total and utter selfishness. Any excuse you can come up with is most likely rooted in completely unfounded narcissism and/ greed. Prove me wrong. I'll give you 10 bucks.
So, I say again, please stop having children. There are plenty in the world that need parents. Also, please don't ever order fish if we go to a restaurant together. I will vomit on your plate. Not kidding.
Make sure you vote this Tuesday. I'M NOT KIDDING GET OFF YOUR ASS AND VOTE. We have a chance at winning back the house AND senate. Imagine, a functional checks and balances system on the executive branch of government. We are so close.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Finally! Good news!
AKA I don't have much to bitch about today.
NIN has announced another tour. T- Rez is starting out in in Europe (WTF?) beginning in February. A brand spankin new album is expected in April. More details on dates and spiral presales on nin.com .
There is no shame in admitting my fan-girly excitement at the news. In fact, I was not alone in my shocked state of bouncing off the walls. For those of you with horrible taste in music that DON'T faithfully follow the God of goth rawk, this release and activity schedule is unheard of. We in the NIN community usually have to wallow in our own depression and self loathing for a good 5 years between records. I was expecting it (and appropriately filled up my prescriptions as a precaution). Personally, I attribute this change solely to TR's very public new take on life due to sobriety. Thank you Trent Reznor for pulling your head of your ass and keeping the coke bag away from your fabulous gorgeous abnormally large nose!
In other news, America is the #1 contributor of green house gasses in the world. We spew almost 25% of the crap that's killing the planet into the air. Don't give me that *just one person doesn't really make a difference* bullshit. Fuck you. I hate you if you drive an SUV and guess what? When you get in a car accident on the freeway because you cant drive that gas guzzling monstrosity, I'm going to drive by and laugh. (One of my new years resolutions is to stop being so judgemental. Piss off until then).
Oh yes. The upcoming election. Don't be complacent and sit on your ass watching Oprah instead of voting. Seriously, how the hell do you expect to maintain a functioning democracy if nobody participates? Again, the whole *its just one vote it doesn't make a difference* isn't going to fly with with me. If you don't vote, I'm going to strip away your fourth amendment rights while you are sleeping. Wait a minute... somebody already did that.
If you are clueless on how to decide which to give the thumbs up for check out this site.Its a non-partisan site, I swear. But if you are a neo-con, go ahead and group yourself with the aforementioned SUV accidents, cause I'm going to heckle YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL BURNING IN HELL. BUAH HA HA HA.
Okay, I found stuff to bitch about. My moniker is Incendiary Lover, what the fuck did you expect?
NIN has announced another tour. T- Rez is starting out in in Europe (WTF?) beginning in February. A brand spankin new album is expected in April. More details on dates and spiral presales on nin.com .
There is no shame in admitting my fan-girly excitement at the news. In fact, I was not alone in my shocked state of bouncing off the walls. For those of you with horrible taste in music that DON'T faithfully follow the God of goth rawk, this release and activity schedule is unheard of. We in the NIN community usually have to wallow in our own depression and self loathing for a good 5 years between records. I was expecting it (and appropriately filled up my prescriptions as a precaution). Personally, I attribute this change solely to TR's very public new take on life due to sobriety. Thank you Trent Reznor for pulling your head of your ass and keeping the coke bag away from your fabulous gorgeous abnormally large nose!
In other news, America is the #1 contributor of green house gasses in the world. We spew almost 25% of the crap that's killing the planet into the air. Don't give me that *just one person doesn't really make a difference* bullshit. Fuck you. I hate you if you drive an SUV and guess what? When you get in a car accident on the freeway because you cant drive that gas guzzling monstrosity, I'm going to drive by and laugh. (One of my new years resolutions is to stop being so judgemental. Piss off until then).
Oh yes. The upcoming election. Don't be complacent and sit on your ass watching Oprah instead of voting. Seriously, how the hell do you expect to maintain a functioning democracy if nobody participates? Again, the whole *its just one vote it doesn't make a difference* isn't going to fly with with me. If you don't vote, I'm going to strip away your fourth amendment rights while you are sleeping. Wait a minute... somebody already did that.
If you are clueless on how to decide which to give the thumbs up for check out this site.Its a non-partisan site, I swear. But if you are a neo-con, go ahead and group yourself with the aforementioned SUV accidents, cause I'm going to heckle YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL BURNING IN HELL. BUAH HA HA HA.
Okay, I found stuff to bitch about. My moniker is Incendiary Lover, what the fuck did you expect?
Monday, October 23, 2006
What is wrong with YOU?
Guess what! I'm single.
Have been for ages. And you know what? Its fufilling. Im completely independent, financially and emotionally. I dont have the burning the desire to run out and go on crappy dates to find 'the one'. Me. I am completely self sufficient. Im so sick of the looks, and the questions. WHY IS SUCH A GREAT PERSON SINGLE? they ask. Because I want to be. There is nothing wrong with me because I enjoy being alone. I love doing what I want, when I want. Have you ever condidered the possiblity that there is something wrong with you? Fighting to keep dead relationships alive just so you dont have to be alone? Sacrificing yourself and your happiness because thats what society says is appropriate? Suffereing, day in and day out, reminising of a time when your life wasnt someone elses?
Oh and guess what? Its not because of my ex-husband (not to be mistaken for the douche bag below). He didnt "do this" to me, nor did anyone. Im simply a whole person. It really pisses me off when people attribute my attitudes to a cause. You want to know what caused this? Reality. Reason. A clear vision of what exists apart from perception.
So if Im crying myself to sleep at night, its not because Im missing something. Its because the state of humanity is devastating. Im concerned about the the world my child was born into. I worry about the suffering of others, and what I can do to alleviate it.
So save it. Instead of judging people by quaint norms, open your mind.
Have been for ages. And you know what? Its fufilling. Im completely independent, financially and emotionally. I dont have the burning the desire to run out and go on crappy dates to find 'the one'. Me. I am completely self sufficient. Im so sick of the looks, and the questions. WHY IS SUCH A GREAT PERSON SINGLE? they ask. Because I want to be. There is nothing wrong with me because I enjoy being alone. I love doing what I want, when I want. Have you ever condidered the possiblity that there is something wrong with you? Fighting to keep dead relationships alive just so you dont have to be alone? Sacrificing yourself and your happiness because thats what society says is appropriate? Suffereing, day in and day out, reminising of a time when your life wasnt someone elses?
Oh and guess what? Its not because of my ex-husband (not to be mistaken for the douche bag below). He didnt "do this" to me, nor did anyone. Im simply a whole person. It really pisses me off when people attribute my attitudes to a cause. You want to know what caused this? Reality. Reason. A clear vision of what exists apart from perception.
So if Im crying myself to sleep at night, its not because Im missing something. Its because the state of humanity is devastating. Im concerned about the the world my child was born into. I worry about the suffering of others, and what I can do to alleviate it.
So save it. Instead of judging people by quaint norms, open your mind.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Fox news network is the Gestapo

Or something very close to it.
Mr. *save the children so I can shove vegetables up their asses when mom and dad aren't around* Mark Foley resigned this week, having been caught, red handed, with his hand up the page boy's skirt. Turns out, the pasty bastard has been covering up his indiscretions for years, and its possible he isn't the only one. Does any of this surprise me? Of course not. When one group of purists starts waving their finger and tsk tsk-ing a group of evil doers, you can be sure they have something to be guilty for themselves. This is an extreme example of just that. The child activist/ pedophile.
What did surprise me, was the bureaucrats over at Fox 'news' network. Yeah, I expected heavy spin, and that precisely what most right wing media agencies are doing. But not the geniuses at Fox! Heinrich Himmler OH I mean Rupert Murdoch is no dummy! He knows his viewers are poor white trash, with little or no inclination to spread their horizons, and read a newspaper. Or a book. These people rely solely on FOX NEWS NETWORK for updates in the Iraq situation (cause you know, it was that sad-aam fella who blowed up dem towers is New York) and the world at large. No, we didn't get spin. We received outrageously fallacious fabrications. Look closer. The picture to the right is listing the pedophile as a Democrat. Its kind of like he never was a Republican. Fox news thinks they can make the truth disappear. And they just might be able to.
In all seriousness, I am deeply saddened at this behavior by Fox news. I don't expect much from Bill bigot O'reily, but damn. And to think... These very same execs may have had something to do with the cover up . They are trying to fool the American people. We can only hope they suffer some sort of consequence for this behavior.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The X
b: You know by not taking my phone calls you are threatening my male dominance.
ME: You didnt have any in the first place jack ass.
b: Call me
b: why do insist on being a bitch? You know this attitude ruined our relationship
b: The male lion in nature proudly dominates his female pride. He rules, and while she fights, all he has to do is sigh on her neck and she bows to his will.
ME: Oh noes you have been watching national geographic.
b: These roles exist in nature for a reason. Males provide for the females, they provide a rock to stand on.
b: the females in the pride return with submission. This is the way humans are as well.
ME: You are an idiot. The female lion maintains life by doing all the hunting and caring for the cubs while daddy lion lays on his fat ass licking his balls all day.
b: See?
b: you always have to be masculine and dominant. You have been in college too long. Now apologize and call me.
ME: Graduate form the 4th grade first. Then I'll slap you in the face with my ovaries bitch!
*phone rings I pick it up and hang up immediately*
b:you cant hang up every time
b: Call me
ME: Kill yourself
b:thats a sin.
ME: You didnt have any in the first place jack ass.
b: Call me
b: why do insist on being a bitch? You know this attitude ruined our relationship
b: The male lion in nature proudly dominates his female pride. He rules, and while she fights, all he has to do is sigh on her neck and she bows to his will.
ME: Oh noes you have been watching national geographic.
b: These roles exist in nature for a reason. Males provide for the females, they provide a rock to stand on.
b: the females in the pride return with submission. This is the way humans are as well.
ME: You are an idiot. The female lion maintains life by doing all the hunting and caring for the cubs while daddy lion lays on his fat ass licking his balls all day.
b: See?
b: you always have to be masculine and dominant. You have been in college too long. Now apologize and call me.
ME: Graduate form the 4th grade first. Then I'll slap you in the face with my ovaries bitch!
*phone rings I pick it up and hang up immediately*
b:you cant hang up every time
b: Call me
ME: Kill yourself
b:thats a sin.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Im in love with Bill
No really. Bill Clinton's presidency was a golden age in American politics. His domestic policy left us a united country with a budget surplus, unemployment at an all time low.. The international community didn't heckle as we passed by. I could go on for days. Now this.
He is a radical. And he isn't afraid to show up on a conservative broadcast when he know they are going to try and crucify him. If that news anchor wasn't a gutless whore for the neo-cons I might just feel bad for him.
Radical is what we need right now. We need extreme left politics to make change. The current regime is radical. The smirking chimp makes unjust war, he tortures, makes the rich richer, and now he has wiped his ass with the constitution.
More on the pillaging of civil rights later.
He is a radical. And he isn't afraid to show up on a conservative broadcast when he know they are going to try and crucify him. If that news anchor wasn't a gutless whore for the neo-cons I might just feel bad for him.
Radical is what we need right now. We need extreme left politics to make change. The current regime is radical. The smirking chimp makes unjust war, he tortures, makes the rich richer, and now he has wiped his ass with the constitution.
More on the pillaging of civil rights later.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
One person's revolution is another person's pain
So I decided to join the cool kids and start blogging.
Who knows? This may be a passing fancy. Im quite fickle. In the meantime, this interests me. Look forward to plenty of political ranting, liberal propoganda, music reviews, wine tasting, and general randomness.
So let me know what you think as time passes. My ultimate goal is of course to interact and discuss. If this is not accomplised, then what is the point?
As for the random title, its applicable, I promise.
Who knows? This may be a passing fancy. Im quite fickle. In the meantime, this interests me. Look forward to plenty of political ranting, liberal propoganda, music reviews, wine tasting, and general randomness.
So let me know what you think as time passes. My ultimate goal is of course to interact and discuss. If this is not accomplised, then what is the point?
As for the random title, its applicable, I promise.
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