Contrary to what the world community believes, women are not in a perpetual state of consent. We are not simply receptacles available for male pleasure accessible should they desire.
I know it sounds crazy. The media inundates us with girls gone wild advertisements and images of fabulous twenty-somethings that embody impossible standards of the patriarchy. Its manipulation, brainwashing. This pornography based culture systemically degrades and dehumanizes women. Its a deliberate, methodical method to keep women in lower class of oppressed people. Their execution is FLAWLESS. Look at how effective misogyny is! We are responsible for mens desires, and yet our rights to our bodies are still up for debate. We still make less money, regardless of education, compared to men. Ultimately men fear and hate women.
ALL MEN HATE WOMEN. Need proof? Look at your husbands porn collection. He is turned on by a person who is humiliated and forced into submission by his misogynistic wage hierarchy. If that woman were to put put on some clothes, go to college and choose to climb the corporate ladder instead of lying on her back, she still wouldn't make the wage he could. That makes your husband feel good. Still think that porn collection is harmless and innocent? Consider this- The percentages vary by study, but up to 85% of prostitutes/ porn stars were victims of sexual abuse or incest as children (1,2,3). This sort of sexual abuse psychologically damages a woman, takes away her humanity. Pornography is the theory, rape is the practice.
The world we live in doesn't punish rape, its excused away if not blatantly encouraged. This allows them to keep the powerless underclass of women in a state of fear which leads to submission. Rape trials are notorious for criminalizing the victim and putting her on trial for the crime committed against. She is questioned about her sexual history, how many drinks consumed and what she was wearing preceding the crime. Its presented in a manner that suggests women are ultimately responsible for the transgression against them. On a larger scale, rape is used as an instrument of war. The UN fails to recognize state sanctioned rape as a crime.
I informed a colleague that I was a feminist. With a raise of his eyebrows, he expressed sympathy for the movement and thought he was a feminist also. However, he indicated he didn't approve of women receiving or asking for "special privileges". Fucking really? What about the PRIVILEGE of walking to your car without looking over your shoulder, car keys ready? The PRIVILEGE of making decisions in regards to your reproductive rights? How about the PRIVILEGE of innate uncontested societal value?
Oh yes, men fear and hate women. It would suck to not have those privileges handed to you at birth wouldn't it?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Stuff you may not know
Because as usual, even the 'liberal' media chooses not to report on the important shit.
The Washington Post reports that the Iraqi Health Ministry has been instructed (by the 'Prime Minister' al-Maliki) to desist supplying mortality figures to the United Nations. 100 Iraqi civilians are dying EVERY DAY you say? Well lets just hide the death counts from this unpopular war from the world community and opposition will just go away! The surge is working we swear!
The polar ice caps are melting. In fact, the North Pole ice sheet has decreased in volume by 23% in less than 2 years. Yeah, global warming rears its ugly head in mythical proportions.
CNN allegedly reported on the National Snow and Ice Data Center report, but I couldn't seem to find a working link to it. They did a great piece on Greenland though.
The Washington Post reports that the Iraqi Health Ministry has been instructed (by the 'Prime Minister' al-Maliki) to desist supplying mortality figures to the United Nations. 100 Iraqi civilians are dying EVERY DAY you say? Well lets just hide the death counts from this unpopular war from the world community and opposition will just go away! The surge is working we swear!
The polar ice caps are melting. In fact, the North Pole ice sheet has decreased in volume by 23% in less than 2 years. Yeah, global warming rears its ugly head in mythical proportions.
CNN allegedly reported on the National Snow and Ice Data Center report, but I couldn't seem to find a working link to it. They did a great piece on Greenland though.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Feminists do it better
Like you didn't know that already! Yeah, people that have integrity and self esteem tend to be happier.
ScienceDaily reports on a Rutgers study that demonstrates the obvious- we have better relationships, "greater life experience". Sexual satisfaction? Even our male counterparts enjoy their feminist lovers- they report more stability AND GREATER SEXUAL SATISFACTION.
Feminist stereotypes are the result of fear. Open your eyes and see the homophobic patriarchy for what it is- a bunch of scared, gun owning, uneducated racist repugs who know damn well their grip is slipping in the name of reason and rationality.
Is this why King Bush hates teh science?
ScienceDaily reports on a Rutgers study that demonstrates the obvious- we have better relationships, "greater life experience". Sexual satisfaction? Even our male counterparts enjoy their feminist lovers- they report more stability AND GREATER SEXUAL SATISFACTION.
Feminist stereotypes are the result of fear. Open your eyes and see the homophobic patriarchy for what it is- a bunch of scared, gun owning, uneducated racist repugs who know damn well their grip is slipping in the name of reason and rationality.
Is this why King Bush hates teh science?
Monday, October 15, 2007
Blog Action Day- What You Can Do
Together, we can make a difference.
CFL's- If every American household replaced just one regular bulb with a compact fluorescent it would be comparable to taking 1.3 million cars off the road.
No more Plastic bags- We use them for no more than a couple of hours, and yet they take more than 500 to degrade. Recycling, in this case, isn't much help- it's expensive and uses excessive energy. Speaking of energy, we use up to 12 billion barrels of oil producing these things. Use green bags. They are available at most chain stores now- Stater Bothers, Ralphs, Trader Joes, even Target for about a buck. Some stores have incentives to using reusable bags in addition to how good you will feel! Ralphs takes 5 cents off your bill for each green bag and Trader Joes enters you into a weekly contest with cool prizes.
Go Veggie- Factory Farms are not only cruel and unethical, they are gross polluters. We decimate rain forests and exhaust resources like water and grain in disproportionate amounts. Run off with hormone filled animal waste infects our water ways. Even reducing your families meat intake by one meal a week can have an impact on the environment.
Every single human being on this planet is responsible for Global Warming. This is a global problem, and we have to address it globally. I've listed just a few small things you can do... nothing to life altering or drastic.
Give it a shot. And drop me a line if you have any other simple ideas to add to the list!
CFL's- If every American household replaced just one regular bulb with a compact fluorescent it would be comparable to taking 1.3 million cars off the road.
No more Plastic bags- We use them for no more than a couple of hours, and yet they take more than 500 to degrade. Recycling, in this case, isn't much help- it's expensive and uses excessive energy. Speaking of energy, we use up to 12 billion barrels of oil producing these things. Use green bags. They are available at most chain stores now- Stater Bothers, Ralphs, Trader Joes, even Target for about a buck. Some stores have incentives to using reusable bags in addition to how good you will feel! Ralphs takes 5 cents off your bill for each green bag and Trader Joes enters you into a weekly contest with cool prizes.
Go Veggie- Factory Farms are not only cruel and unethical, they are gross polluters. We decimate rain forests and exhaust resources like water and grain in disproportionate amounts. Run off with hormone filled animal waste infects our water ways. Even reducing your families meat intake by one meal a week can have an impact on the environment.
Every single human being on this planet is responsible for Global Warming. This is a global problem, and we have to address it globally. I've listed just a few small things you can do... nothing to life altering or drastic.
Give it a shot. And drop me a line if you have any other simple ideas to add to the list!
Friday, October 05, 2007
You can do something

about the humanitarian crisis in Burma.
Pictured is a monk who was beaten to death for speaking out against injustice. This isn't just a police state. There are several police states on the planet, for shits sake we are becoming one. But the Junta are targeting monks. These men are so far above your typical bible thumping hypocritical god bag it sickening. These men live and breathe the path, they are truly good and holy men. You don't hear about monks molesting children or dictating morality to others- this behavior is beneath them. They dedicate their lives to the cause.
Monks are fierce. They wont stop until their goal is accomplished. The people of Burma want their country back, they want democracy. The Junta are behaving in a manner befitting of the Gestapo. People are being imprisoned for protesting, torn from their homes in the still of night and 'disappeared'. Our present government must be forced to act. You see, unlike Iraq, the Burmese dictatorship is friendly to American oil and natural gas interests therefore its no use for the U.S. to 'liberate' them. So lets make them care, lets hit them where it hurts.
Over at daily kos the net roots communities are gathering to force our government and the corporations that fund to act against this humanitarian nightmare. In a nut shell, Dont go to Chevron for gasoline, and call this number 925-842-1000 on Tuesday 10/9 and raise some hell. Let them know you wont be purchasing their products until they stop funding a military regime in Burma. You can also flood Chevron fax machines with pro- democracy messages here 415-894-6817. For more info and ideas, keep up with daily kos or the kids over at white rose society.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Iranians are not terrorists
Breathe in October kids. Were about to engage in another illegitimate War that we cant afford.
The repugs are frothing at the mouth and the propaganda is working. I suppose the American people will never fucking learn.
And if you were thinking of voting for Hilary, please reconsider. She is a Republican, and continues to prove herself as such. A stack of evidence continues to accumulate, from her lobbyist campaign contributors to her recent vote to support the Lieberman amendment.
For a more eloquent commentary by the one and only Seymour M. Hersh please refer his article in latest issue of the New Yorker.
The repugs are frothing at the mouth and the propaganda is working. I suppose the American people will never fucking learn.
And if you were thinking of voting for Hilary, please reconsider. She is a Republican, and continues to prove herself as such. A stack of evidence continues to accumulate, from her lobbyist campaign contributors to her recent vote to support the Lieberman amendment.
For a more eloquent commentary by the one and only Seymour M. Hersh please refer his article in latest issue of the New Yorker.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thicker Skin
So Repugs can dish it but cant take it.
The dudes over at issued a scathing- but truthful advertisement accusing the cooking the books on the General Patraeus Iraq report. In addition, they used General betray-us, a clever little play on words which I appreciated. The repugs ARE PISSED and so are the Dems. Ridiculous. So we are supposed lie down and take their ridicule, hate mongering and blatant falsifications? Because we wouldn't want to seem distasteful? Well fuck you Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. I find a war in Iraq when a million people have died distasteful. I find our Presidents persistence to live distasteful. I find the fact that you two jack asses dont have the balls to impeach the Smirking Chimp EXTREMELY distasteful.
AND OOHHHH Keith Olbermann said Fox News is worse than Al-Qaeda. In playboy it looks like, but I cant access the direct link at work. The Liberal media hasn't picked up on it yet, and I certainly don't want to link a repug blog- they might think they actually matter if they get a bunch of hits.
The dudes over at issued a scathing- but truthful advertisement accusing the cooking the books on the General Patraeus Iraq report. In addition, they used General betray-us, a clever little play on words which I appreciated. The repugs ARE PISSED and so are the Dems. Ridiculous. So we are supposed lie down and take their ridicule, hate mongering and blatant falsifications? Because we wouldn't want to seem distasteful? Well fuck you Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. I find a war in Iraq when a million people have died distasteful. I find our Presidents persistence to live distasteful. I find the fact that you two jack asses dont have the balls to impeach the Smirking Chimp EXTREMELY distasteful.
AND OOHHHH Keith Olbermann said Fox News is worse than Al-Qaeda. In playboy it looks like, but I cant access the direct link at work. The Liberal media hasn't picked up on it yet, and I certainly don't want to link a repug blog- they might think they actually matter if they get a bunch of hits.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Stickin it to the man- "Presidential Advance Manual"
An entire generation came together once in this country. Young adults joined with only one idea in common- outrage at their government. These young people organized, made signs, sang songs and expressed their rage in non-violent protests. They were successful in their endeavor and the Vietnam war ended. History tells us that Vietnam is one of America's darkest, deadliest and worse decisions we have ever made. Okay, lets be real- a bunch of stoned teenagers put together grassroots protests and scared the powers that be enough so the mother fuckers would stop sending them to slaughter. Nonetheless, their government feared them, and we can learn from them.
An article in the Washington Post today highlights a recently discovered White House document called the "Presidential Advance Manual". Please read the enclosed document just linked from the ACLU website, it will open your eyes. In it you will see how The Administration has tried to 'deal' with the loud voice of dissent. It attempts to put in place a procedure, a literal set of directives to minimize the impact of people who disagree with the current policies of this country.
This is powerful document that represents the strength the American people have forgotten they have. King Bush and his cronies will attempt to marginalize and criminalize anyone who shows dissent. Reading this short document made me laugh and brought me to tears. It is validating yet chilling. To think- they would actually hire people to heckle others who are simply exercising their constitutional right to free speech. I am grateful for every hour that I have spent protesting and dispersing information. I do not regret a single moment of police custody. This document is a silent "THANK YOU" from The Administration.
We are living in the shadow of a police state. And yet, there is hope.
An article in the Washington Post today highlights a recently discovered White House document called the "Presidential Advance Manual". Please read the enclosed document just linked from the ACLU website, it will open your eyes. In it you will see how The Administration has tried to 'deal' with the loud voice of dissent. It attempts to put in place a procedure, a literal set of directives to minimize the impact of people who disagree with the current policies of this country.
This is powerful document that represents the strength the American people have forgotten they have. King Bush and his cronies will attempt to marginalize and criminalize anyone who shows dissent. Reading this short document made me laugh and brought me to tears. It is validating yet chilling. To think- they would actually hire people to heckle others who are simply exercising their constitutional right to free speech. I am grateful for every hour that I have spent protesting and dispersing information. I do not regret a single moment of police custody. This document is a silent "THANK YOU" from The Administration.
We are living in the shadow of a police state. And yet, there is hope.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Propaganda on teh Internets
Even wiki is infected now. See this Reuters article
"...People using CIA and FBI computers have edited entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia on topics including the Iraq war and the Guantanamo prison, according to a new tracing program..."
And no wonder- they are pulling the same crap they do on newspapers and on television- distorting facts by telling half truths, doctoring the numbers and preying upon the ignorant.
"...People using CIA and FBI computers have edited entries in the online encyclopedia Wikipedia on topics including the Iraq war and the Guantanamo prison, according to a new tracing program..."
And no wonder- they are pulling the same crap they do on newspapers and on television- distorting facts by telling half truths, doctoring the numbers and preying upon the ignorant.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
A comment on Body Image
The average American woman weighs 153 pounds. According to the same sited study, 33% of us are obese. Please keep that in mind as you thumb through the latest issue of cosmo.
Another recent study shows that women who get breast implants are more likely to commit suicide. That couldn't possibly indicate that people who voluntarily risk their lives and mutilate their bodies in the name of vanity MAY have some self esteem problems! I'm sure this doesn't apply to women that just did it so their shirts would fit better.
This bodes well for the overpopulation problem that faces the planet. If you dont die of heart disease after eating Mc Donald's twice a week for 30 years, suicide by low self esteem is sure to follow.
Another recent study shows that women who get breast implants are more likely to commit suicide. That couldn't possibly indicate that people who voluntarily risk their lives and mutilate their bodies in the name of vanity MAY have some self esteem problems! I'm sure this doesn't apply to women that just did it so their shirts would fit better.
This bodes well for the overpopulation problem that faces the planet. If you dont die of heart disease after eating Mc Donald's twice a week for 30 years, suicide by low self esteem is sure to follow.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Warantless Surveillance
I'm sure you have seen King Bush's approval rating plummeting to Nixonian levels- But have you noticed that congress isn't doing much better?
Why should it be any different? We voted in a democratic congress to incite change, to put an end to assaults on the constitution and midnight legislature. Instead of acquiescing to their constituents demands, they decide its best approve more strangulation of our fourth amendment rights (via FISA) preferring a month long vacation. Adding insult to injury, they leave claiming victory- refusing to acknowledge that their failures constitute the largest share of their time in power.
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"- Benjamin Franklin
Why should it be any different? We voted in a democratic congress to incite change, to put an end to assaults on the constitution and midnight legislature. Instead of acquiescing to their constituents demands, they decide its best approve more strangulation of our fourth amendment rights (via FISA) preferring a month long vacation. Adding insult to injury, they leave claiming victory- refusing to acknowledge that their failures constitute the largest share of their time in power.
"Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither"- Benjamin Franklin
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Bible Thumping Chauvinists
Turns out, its rather easy to see where the roots of thousands of years of oppression were originated.
1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35.
ECCLESIASTES 25:18, 19 & 33
I can see hundreds of men over a span of two thousand years objectifying and repressing his possession, his wife(s) and daughters with these scriptures on his lips. Oh and guess what? It doesnt really matter because we aren't that valuable anyway.
Lot loved his daughters. BUT his quiet time was much more important...
The men of Sodom gathered around Lot's house, and asked that he bring his two guests out so that the men can "know" them (AKA they were being disruptive and rowdy). Lot offers his two virgin daughters to be raped: He says to the feisty visitors GENESIS 19:8: "I HAVE TWO YOUNG DAUGHTERS WHICH HAVE NOT KNOWN MAN; LET ME, I PRAY YOU, BRING THEM OUT TO YOU, AND DO YE UNTO THEM AS IS GOOD IN YOUR EYES."
Im out of wine so repeatedly rape my innocent little girls to your hearts desire! Yet, even after this despicable act, Lot is still regarded as an honorable man.
Thats just the beginning. Look into it. And do me a favor- please DON'T look me in the eyes and tell me you are a religious feminist. There isn't such a thing- it simply cannot exist. Such scenarios remind me of a Auschwitz survivor cozying up to Hitler and admiring his public speaking skills. Its offensive, distasteful, and that kind of denial borders on psychosis.
How can you possibly associate, nay, even be part of, an institution that propagates so much hate?
1 CORINTHIANS 14:34-35.
ECCLESIASTES 25:18, 19 & 33
I can see hundreds of men over a span of two thousand years objectifying and repressing his possession, his wife(s) and daughters with these scriptures on his lips. Oh and guess what? It doesnt really matter because we aren't that valuable anyway.
Lot loved his daughters. BUT his quiet time was much more important...
The men of Sodom gathered around Lot's house, and asked that he bring his two guests out so that the men can "know" them (AKA they were being disruptive and rowdy). Lot offers his two virgin daughters to be raped: He says to the feisty visitors GENESIS 19:8: "I HAVE TWO YOUNG DAUGHTERS WHICH HAVE NOT KNOWN MAN; LET ME, I PRAY YOU, BRING THEM OUT TO YOU, AND DO YE UNTO THEM AS IS GOOD IN YOUR EYES."
Im out of wine so repeatedly rape my innocent little girls to your hearts desire! Yet, even after this despicable act, Lot is still regarded as an honorable man.
Thats just the beginning. Look into it. And do me a favor- please DON'T look me in the eyes and tell me you are a religious feminist. There isn't such a thing- it simply cannot exist. Such scenarios remind me of a Auschwitz survivor cozying up to Hitler and admiring his public speaking skills. Its offensive, distasteful, and that kind of denial borders on psychosis.
How can you possibly associate, nay, even be part of, an institution that propagates so much hate?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Right Wing Nuts
I fucking swear- These people simply have no qualms about being racist un-educated bigots.
Zeig Heil
Separation of church and state is a crucial element to any Democracy. Consider- Do you really want morons like this dictating morality to YOUR children? Do you want them in charge of their education? How the fuck would you feel if your child came home exclaiming that the world was only 10,000 years old?
People actually believe this nonsense. No really.
Zeig Heil
Separation of church and state is a crucial element to any Democracy. Consider- Do you really want morons like this dictating morality to YOUR children? Do you want them in charge of their education? How the fuck would you feel if your child came home exclaiming that the world was only 10,000 years old?
People actually believe this nonsense. No really.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Do Democrats possess a spine?
Even a rudimentary vertebral column?
That remains to be seen. Prior evidence indicates a whopping 'NO'- for instance, they refused to de-fund a failing war not but a few short months ago, they even voted to fund abstinence only programs for youths UP TO the age of 29. Not to mention their failure to act on the worlds #1 fatal threat: Global Warming.
I was just as excited as the next Lib about the all night session of congress last week- but the dust has settled and it still reflects a failure to take the difficult steps towards repairing our broken government. Its painfully obvious that we simply cant begin rebuilding until King Bush and Prez Cheney are behind bars, and worse- the damage they could do with 18 months left in office.
We have been screaming for Impeachment since The king stole the last election- and now Congress is listening. Kucinich the maverick introduced legislation in April to begin impeachment proceedings- and received a cold reception. The tides have changed in the past months, and now we only need THREE MORE CONGRESS MEMBERS to support H RES 333 and John Conyers Promises to begin the Impeachment process. We need everyone to do their part and pressure Congress to do the right thing. Cindy Sheenan was arrested today with several other protesters attempting to convince legislators to support this bill. You may not live in a district with a representative that can help- but your reps need to know their voting constituents support the bill. Please take the time and go to this link - it will only take a moment of your time and its extremely convenient. You simply enter your zip code and the email is forwarded to the pertinent congressmen.
That remains to be seen. Prior evidence indicates a whopping 'NO'- for instance, they refused to de-fund a failing war not but a few short months ago, they even voted to fund abstinence only programs for youths UP TO the age of 29. Not to mention their failure to act on the worlds #1 fatal threat: Global Warming.
I was just as excited as the next Lib about the all night session of congress last week- but the dust has settled and it still reflects a failure to take the difficult steps towards repairing our broken government. Its painfully obvious that we simply cant begin rebuilding until King Bush and Prez Cheney are behind bars, and worse- the damage they could do with 18 months left in office.
We have been screaming for Impeachment since The king stole the last election- and now Congress is listening. Kucinich the maverick introduced legislation in April to begin impeachment proceedings- and received a cold reception. The tides have changed in the past months, and now we only need THREE MORE CONGRESS MEMBERS to support H RES 333 and John Conyers Promises to begin the Impeachment process. We need everyone to do their part and pressure Congress to do the right thing. Cindy Sheenan was arrested today with several other protesters attempting to convince legislators to support this bill. You may not live in a district with a representative that can help- but your reps need to know their voting constituents support the bill. Please take the time and go to this link - it will only take a moment of your time and its extremely convenient. You simply enter your zip code and the email is forwarded to the pertinent congressmen.
Monday, July 02, 2007
FREE SCOOTER LIBBY! As if you had to ask! Of course the King will refuse to put criminals in his own party behind bars! Especially when dude is covering the Kings ass by perjuring himself to the American people.
Simply cant help but wonder- What secrets does Libby carry with him? Its safe to speculate there is a fair few criminal charges that could be brought against the administration if Libby were to spill the beans.. but they know that.
If you want more details, check your headlines. Im sick of hearing the same mundane crap about "constitutional powers" and what not. The president uses the constitution when and where he sees fit. The next time you hear someone say he has the right to pardon whomever he likes, ask them about our free speech rights. Besides, I don't think our forefathers granted this privilege to the executive branch so that president could commit constitutional crimes against American citizens and then pardon criminals that can implicate them.
Simply cant help but wonder- What secrets does Libby carry with him? Its safe to speculate there is a fair few criminal charges that could be brought against the administration if Libby were to spill the beans.. but they know that.
If you want more details, check your headlines. Im sick of hearing the same mundane crap about "constitutional powers" and what not. The president uses the constitution when and where he sees fit. The next time you hear someone say he has the right to pardon whomever he likes, ask them about our free speech rights. Besides, I don't think our forefathers granted this privilege to the executive branch so that president could commit constitutional crimes against American citizens and then pardon criminals that can implicate them.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Pass it along
If you read this blog regularly, you are probably aware of global warming and its catastrophic consequences. But, perhaps, you know someone who isn't. Or someone in your social network who is sitting on the fence. Pass this along please. Dont make me start on about civil rights and the power of grassroots movements again. - Watch more free videos - Watch more free videos
Monday, June 04, 2007
Fuck you Im a disgruntled Democrat
Whilst Hilary is claiming that her 'faith' got her through Bill's affair, King Bush has fucked your YOUR constitution up the ass. Yet another method for the the Bush administration to get around the whole checks and balances nonsense that our founding fathers so ostensibly laid out for us.
Thats right kids! Your hopes of Democracy have been flushed down the toilet and you probably (yet again) had no fucking clue! Why? Because the media wont report on it. Instead, we are being bombarded with stories about Paris Hilton and the ways in which Dems are selling out to get undereducated peons to vote for them.
Hey! At least they are losing the battle to keep prisoners of war without charge.
BTW I'm writing Jack Kevorkian a thank you email this evening. He continues to defend our 9th amendment rights, and has served hard time for the cause. Now thats a fucking American.
Whilst Hilary is claiming that her 'faith' got her through Bill's affair, King Bush has fucked your YOUR constitution up the ass. Yet another method for the the Bush administration to get around the whole checks and balances nonsense that our founding fathers so ostensibly laid out for us.
Thats right kids! Your hopes of Democracy have been flushed down the toilet and you probably (yet again) had no fucking clue! Why? Because the media wont report on it. Instead, we are being bombarded with stories about Paris Hilton and the ways in which Dems are selling out to get undereducated peons to vote for them.
Hey! At least they are losing the battle to keep prisoners of war without charge.
BTW I'm writing Jack Kevorkian a thank you email this evening. He continues to defend our 9th amendment rights, and has served hard time for the cause. Now thats a fucking American.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
How fucking emo.
This is exhausting. After all of these years of utter hopelessness, were back to square one.
Our government is broken. I'm not sure that it can be fixed.
Im painfully sick of being depressed about this.
So- Im applying to colleges in Western Europe. I thought it would be quite romantic to gain amnesty in the Netherlands, but its unnecessary. They'll grant me citizenship with fairly little hassle and only a short waiting period.
Its just too much. We are too far gone.
This is exhausting. After all of these years of utter hopelessness, were back to square one.
Our government is broken. I'm not sure that it can be fixed.
Im painfully sick of being depressed about this.
So- Im applying to colleges in Western Europe. I thought it would be quite romantic to gain amnesty in the Netherlands, but its unnecessary. They'll grant me citizenship with fairly little hassle and only a short waiting period.
Its just too much. We are too far gone.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I'm important
To Barbara Boxer.
Or 100 million people also emailed her with a request to impeach Dick Cheney.
(I recieved this automatic e-mail response from her- which hardly ever happens. Mind you I email these jerks AT LEAST once a week)
to me
May 9 (4 days ago)
Dear Miss Atkinson:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.Res.333, a resolution to impeach Vice President Richard B. Cheney. I appreciate hearing from you.
Our Constitution requires that impeachment proceedings begin in the House of Representatives. The House must vote for impeachment before presenting its case to the Senate. The Senate then holds a trial to consider the case for impeachment.
H.Res.333 is currently being considered by the House Judiciary Committee. Should H.Res.333 reach the Senate, please know that I will fulfill my Constitutional duty to the best of my ability by considering all of the facts in the case - and there certainly are many!
Again, thank you for writing to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
Well, duh Miss Boxer. Believe me, I have bombarded these dudes with phone calls, emails and even hand written letters.
Or 100 million people also emailed her with a request to impeach Dick Cheney.
(I recieved this automatic e-mail response from her- which hardly ever happens. Mind you I email these jerks AT LEAST once a week)
to me
May 9 (4 days ago)
Dear Miss Atkinson:
Thank you for contacting me regarding H.Res.333, a resolution to impeach Vice President Richard B. Cheney. I appreciate hearing from you.
Our Constitution requires that impeachment proceedings begin in the House of Representatives. The House must vote for impeachment before presenting its case to the Senate. The Senate then holds a trial to consider the case for impeachment.
H.Res.333 is currently being considered by the House Judiciary Committee. Should H.Res.333 reach the Senate, please know that I will fulfill my Constitutional duty to the best of my ability by considering all of the facts in the case - and there certainly are many!
Again, thank you for writing to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again about this or any other issue of concern to you.
Barbara Boxer
United States Senator
Well, duh Miss Boxer. Believe me, I have bombarded these dudes with phone calls, emails and even hand written letters.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Enough Already.
So the house has devised and passed yet another bill that ape we call commander in chief promises to veto.
It continues to threaten the American populace with promises of abandoning the troops. This blame supposedly will land square on the shoulders of anti-war dems, AKA rational people who have been sworn to protect and may have actually read the constitution.
HOW FUCKING STUPID DOES THE MURDER THINK WE ARE? How ignorant of current events is his cabinet? I'm sick to death of commentators stating the dems must back down for fear of 30- second commercials illustrating their refusal to support the the troops AFTER they get fired. First off, if the dems get us out of Iraq, even if it means pulling the financial plug, they are doing what the American people are screaming for. Second, they do support the troops. This phrase needs to be revamped. It isn't an empty saying for those who have an American flag outside their home, a rifle in the closet, and no clue of what their bill of rights entitles them to. No, support includes a rational person who sees there was never a need for us to be in Iraq. Support means a financial backing to remove troops and stop the "surge". Recognize- The people who raise their hands in our House and Senate, those who have the spine to stand up to the ape and lackeys will be heroes.
Lets not forget, the repugs have not supported the people fighting this war. The last Veto is simply one event in a string of many that prove they never have. Our people in Iraq have never had the proper training, equipment or even rationale in this "war on terror". They have not been proper health or financial care upon their return.
Lets stop fucking around and either impeach or assassinate.
It continues to threaten the American populace with promises of abandoning the troops. This blame supposedly will land square on the shoulders of anti-war dems, AKA rational people who have been sworn to protect and may have actually read the constitution.
HOW FUCKING STUPID DOES THE MURDER THINK WE ARE? How ignorant of current events is his cabinet? I'm sick to death of commentators stating the dems must back down for fear of 30- second commercials illustrating their refusal to support the the troops AFTER they get fired. First off, if the dems get us out of Iraq, even if it means pulling the financial plug, they are doing what the American people are screaming for. Second, they do support the troops. This phrase needs to be revamped. It isn't an empty saying for those who have an American flag outside their home, a rifle in the closet, and no clue of what their bill of rights entitles them to. No, support includes a rational person who sees there was never a need for us to be in Iraq. Support means a financial backing to remove troops and stop the "surge". Recognize- The people who raise their hands in our House and Senate, those who have the spine to stand up to the ape and lackeys will be heroes.
Lets not forget, the repugs have not supported the people fighting this war. The last Veto is simply one event in a string of many that prove they never have. Our people in Iraq have never had the proper training, equipment or even rationale in this "war on terror". They have not been proper health or financial care upon their return.
Lets stop fucking around and either impeach or assassinate.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The Republican loaded supreme court has decided to start making rules about my uterus. Fucking fantastic.
Lets consider who is dictating morality to us. This a party who put into a power a states attorney who apparently has Alzheimer's disease. Alberto Gonzalez is a liar, another Bush Cronie. No, don't let him resign. He will still receive all of the benefits of his years off ass licking and lying to the American people. Sure- lets talk about lying! George Bush not only lied, but fabricated evidence so that the US would invade Iraq and make his religous zealots and money whores quite happy. These are the people telling me when I can and cannot control my own fucking body?
In other GOOD news, We are finally going after THE ARCHITECT Carl Rove for his crimes against the United States. Is it time to Impeach yet? I suppose shall see after Bushie Veto's our 'end the occupation' bill.
I did a cool survey today, I'm way bored. Supposedly, Im a 'secular humanist'. Do you know any humanists that aren't secular? I mean real humanists, not the pick and choose kind.
• Belief in Deity
Not considered important. Most Humanists are atheists or agnostics.
• Incarnations
Same as above.
• Origin of Universe and Life
The scientific method is most respected as the means for revealing the mysteries of the origins of the universe and life.
• After Death
An afterlife or spiritual existence after death is not recognized.
• Why Evil?
No concept of “evil.” Reasons for wrongdoing are explored through scientific methods, e.g. through study of sociology, psychology, criminology.
• Salvation
No concept of afterlife or spiritual liberation or salvation. Realizing ones personal potential and working for the betterment of humanity through ethical consciousness and social works are considered paramount, but from a naturalistic rather than supernatural standpoint.
• Undeserved Suffering
No spiritual reasons but rather a matter of human vulnerability to misfortune, illness, and victimization.
• Contemporary Issues
The American Humanist Association endorses elective abortion. Other contemporary views include working for equality for homosexuals, gender equality, a secular approach to divorce and remarriage, working to end poverty, promoting peace and nonviolence, and environmental protection.
Try it.
Lets consider who is dictating morality to us. This a party who put into a power a states attorney who apparently has Alzheimer's disease. Alberto Gonzalez is a liar, another Bush Cronie. No, don't let him resign. He will still receive all of the benefits of his years off ass licking and lying to the American people. Sure- lets talk about lying! George Bush not only lied, but fabricated evidence so that the US would invade Iraq and make his religous zealots and money whores quite happy. These are the people telling me when I can and cannot control my own fucking body?
In other GOOD news, We are finally going after THE ARCHITECT Carl Rove for his crimes against the United States. Is it time to Impeach yet? I suppose shall see after Bushie Veto's our 'end the occupation' bill.
I did a cool survey today, I'm way bored. Supposedly, Im a 'secular humanist'. Do you know any humanists that aren't secular? I mean real humanists, not the pick and choose kind.
• Belief in Deity
Not considered important. Most Humanists are atheists or agnostics.
• Incarnations
Same as above.
• Origin of Universe and Life
The scientific method is most respected as the means for revealing the mysteries of the origins of the universe and life.
• After Death
An afterlife or spiritual existence after death is not recognized.
• Why Evil?
No concept of “evil.” Reasons for wrongdoing are explored through scientific methods, e.g. through study of sociology, psychology, criminology.
• Salvation
No concept of afterlife or spiritual liberation or salvation. Realizing ones personal potential and working for the betterment of humanity through ethical consciousness and social works are considered paramount, but from a naturalistic rather than supernatural standpoint.
• Undeserved Suffering
No spiritual reasons but rather a matter of human vulnerability to misfortune, illness, and victimization.
• Contemporary Issues
The American Humanist Association endorses elective abortion. Other contemporary views include working for equality for homosexuals, gender equality, a secular approach to divorce and remarriage, working to end poverty, promoting peace and nonviolence, and environmental protection.
Try it.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Where is the media?
Why the hell isn't this in the news?
"U.S. court rules against Bush in global warming case
Mon Apr 2, 2007 1:33PM EDT
By James Vicini
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a defeat for the Bush administration, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a U.S. government agency has the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming.
By a 5-4 vote, the nation's highest court said the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "has offered no reasoned explanation" for its refusal to regulate carbon dioxide and other emissions from new cars and trucks that contribute to climate change.
The ruling in one of the most important environmental cases to reach the Supreme Court marked the first high court decision in a case involving global warming.
President George W. Bush has opposed mandatory controls on greenhouse gases as harmful to the U.S. economy, and the administration has called for voluntary programs instead of regulation. The states and environmental groups that brought the lawsuit hailed the ruling.
"As a result of today's landmark ruling, EPA can no longer hide behind the fiction that it lacks any regulatory authority to address the problem of global warming," Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said." Cont...
"U.S. court rules against Bush in global warming case
Mon Apr 2, 2007 1:33PM EDT
By James Vicini
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a defeat for the Bush administration, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a U.S. government agency has the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming.
By a 5-4 vote, the nation's highest court said the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "has offered no reasoned explanation" for its refusal to regulate carbon dioxide and other emissions from new cars and trucks that contribute to climate change.
The ruling in one of the most important environmental cases to reach the Supreme Court marked the first high court decision in a case involving global warming.
President George W. Bush has opposed mandatory controls on greenhouse gases as harmful to the U.S. economy, and the administration has called for voluntary programs instead of regulation. The states and environmental groups that brought the lawsuit hailed the ruling.
"As a result of today's landmark ruling, EPA can no longer hide behind the fiction that it lacks any regulatory authority to address the problem of global warming," Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said." Cont...
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
*pokes* *pokes* *pokes*
Thats the sound of Iran goading the west. A threat here, some defiance there. *poke*
Is it going to work?
I believe the powers in Iran are purposefully picking at a very open wound. Why? These people understand what Americans refuse to believe. We have lost in Iraq and in the middle east. We went into Iraq with no plans, goals, or legitimate intentions. Yes, we have lost. Our impetuous bible thumping president is stupid enough to cling to the last bit of selfish texan pride that he has, and he is going to take us down with him. The shit stirrers in Iran are painfully aware that the W wont back down from the fight, regardless of his odds. Regardless of who suffers. They know, as I know, that the US will not win a new conflict in the middle east. We dont have the man power, the money, or the equipment to win the third world war.
Why is winning so important anyway? What cost are YOU willing to pay to win a fight? In the end does it really matter who wins? Say you are fighting with your spouse- do you think about the outcome of the argument? if you win.. what do you gain? If the only thing you gain is a divorce do you still continue?
Im simply asking what Britain and America gain if we fight back. We may have pride, but our countries will be burning at our feet.
So come on Tony Blair- just say it. Just tell them your soldiers were trespassing, EVEN IF THEY WEREN'T. What will you gain if you don't, and you prove them wrong? So just fucking say it, get your people home safe, and lets leave Iran alone.
There is a solution- and its not war. If we can become energy independent, we don't have to deal with the middle east more. We can step away from the hot spot without another drop of blood being spilled.
Thats the sound of Iran goading the west. A threat here, some defiance there. *poke*
Is it going to work?
I believe the powers in Iran are purposefully picking at a very open wound. Why? These people understand what Americans refuse to believe. We have lost in Iraq and in the middle east. We went into Iraq with no plans, goals, or legitimate intentions. Yes, we have lost. Our impetuous bible thumping president is stupid enough to cling to the last bit of selfish texan pride that he has, and he is going to take us down with him. The shit stirrers in Iran are painfully aware that the W wont back down from the fight, regardless of his odds. Regardless of who suffers. They know, as I know, that the US will not win a new conflict in the middle east. We dont have the man power, the money, or the equipment to win the third world war.
Why is winning so important anyway? What cost are YOU willing to pay to win a fight? In the end does it really matter who wins? Say you are fighting with your spouse- do you think about the outcome of the argument? if you win.. what do you gain? If the only thing you gain is a divorce do you still continue?
Im simply asking what Britain and America gain if we fight back. We may have pride, but our countries will be burning at our feet.
So come on Tony Blair- just say it. Just tell them your soldiers were trespassing, EVEN IF THEY WEREN'T. What will you gain if you don't, and you prove them wrong? So just fucking say it, get your people home safe, and lets leave Iran alone.
There is a solution- and its not war. If we can become energy independent, we don't have to deal with the middle east more. We can step away from the hot spot without another drop of blood being spilled.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Or perhaps I woke up in some sick Orwellian nightmare?
How many subversives have disappeared? How many people have been shipped overseas to be tortured? How many of our children will we send to the slaughter? How many of your civil rights will be whisked away whilst you are sleeping in the dead of night?
The Bush administration is pure evil. His people were spying on American citizens long before the 'patriot act' was passed (google "patriot act violations" and count how many stories compare George W to Hitler). Oh, how our noble forefathers must be rolling in their graves. The Vice Pres can be directly connected with the outing of a CIA operative WHILE ON ASSIGNMENT. Valerie Plame could have murdered. But Rove and the boys are sucking up all of their ill-begotten war profits so why the hell should they care? Those slimy soulless fucks probably don't lose any sleep. Wait- minions of the anti-christ dont need sleep.
I sit in shock sometimes as I watch the news. Either (local) news is under-reporting, focusing on local crap only hicks care about OR legitimate news organizations are reporting on my government committing crimes against the world that I didn't think we were capable of. I had no idea the American people would ever allow this. Our Government, a supposedly elected government, is trampling all over the constitution, the very fabric of this country.
Okay I'm done. Yet again, I cant get even half-way through "Meet your Meat" without crying. How can people go to the grocery store and buy that stuff? They must know how these animals suffer? Or perhaps its this pervasive christian state- it doesnt matter what suffers because God put it there.
Tell your God to kiss my ass. He is a stinking, vilanous, maleficent dictator and I'll have nothing to do with it.
Or perhaps I woke up in some sick Orwellian nightmare?
How many subversives have disappeared? How many people have been shipped overseas to be tortured? How many of our children will we send to the slaughter? How many of your civil rights will be whisked away whilst you are sleeping in the dead of night?
The Bush administration is pure evil. His people were spying on American citizens long before the 'patriot act' was passed (google "patriot act violations" and count how many stories compare George W to Hitler). Oh, how our noble forefathers must be rolling in their graves. The Vice Pres can be directly connected with the outing of a CIA operative WHILE ON ASSIGNMENT. Valerie Plame could have murdered. But Rove and the boys are sucking up all of their ill-begotten war profits so why the hell should they care? Those slimy soulless fucks probably don't lose any sleep. Wait- minions of the anti-christ dont need sleep.
I sit in shock sometimes as I watch the news. Either (local) news is under-reporting, focusing on local crap only hicks care about OR legitimate news organizations are reporting on my government committing crimes against the world that I didn't think we were capable of. I had no idea the American people would ever allow this. Our Government, a supposedly elected government, is trampling all over the constitution, the very fabric of this country.
Okay I'm done. Yet again, I cant get even half-way through "Meet your Meat" without crying. How can people go to the grocery store and buy that stuff? They must know how these animals suffer? Or perhaps its this pervasive christian state- it doesnt matter what suffers because God put it there.
Tell your God to kiss my ass. He is a stinking, vilanous, maleficent dictator and I'll have nothing to do with it.
Monday, March 12, 2007
My kind of guys.
I recieved this email today. Summed up the sentiment perfectly.
"Dear Misty,
You may have heard by now that John Edwards was the first candidate to officially say no to the Fox News debate in Nevada—and because of the hard work of so many grassroots and netroots Democrats, news is breaking tonight that Fox is out.
Fox has already started striking back at John for saying no. (There's a surprise—Fox attacking a Democrat.) Last night, Roger Ailes—the life-long Republican operative who is now Chairman of Fox News Channel—said that any candidate "who believes he can blacklist any news organization is making a terrible mistake" and "runs a real risk of losing the voters."
And John's not their only target. Tonight Fox News Vice President David Rhodes is telling news organizations not to get involved in the Nevada Democratic Caucus because of "radical fringe" groups—meaning grassroots Democrats (that would be you)—who objected to Fox's long history of spreading Republican propaganda at the expense of Democratic leaders.
The whole right wing is getting in on the attack; the Drudge Report is blaring the headline: "War! Dems Pull Out of Fox News Debate."
Enough is enough. It's time to send a clear message to Fox News and their allies that their right-wing talking points and temper tantrums won't go unchallenged anymore—when it comes to what Democrats should do in the Democratic primary, we'll decide—no matter what they report.
Fox News has already proven they have no intention of providing "fair and balanced" coverage of any Democrat in this election.
In recent weeks they have run blatant lies about Senator Obama's background. And Fox was only too happy to give Ann Coulter a platform to spew more hate a few days after her bigoted attack on Senator Edwards and the gay community.
Now it's time for Democrats to stand together and send a clear message to Roger Ailes, Fox News and all the rest of them: bias isn't balance, but turning tables is fair:
The truth is, Fox News can "report" whatever they want. And when it works for us, we'll deal with them on our terms. But this campaign is about responsibility and accountability, and we need to send the message to Fox that if they want to be the corporate mouthpiece of the Republican Party more than they want to be an impartial news outlet, they shouldn't expect Democrats to play along.
You can send that message by contributing today, and remind Fox News that in this election, Democrats won't take their spin lying down:
Thank you for standing up for what we believe in.
Jonathan Prince
Deputy Campaign Manager
John Edwards for President
P.S. -- If the folks at Fox wonder why nobody thinks they play it straight, they should take a look at what Roger Ailes said about debates in 1988 when he was a top Republican spinmaster for then Vice President Bush: He told the Washington Post, "I don't know that we need to do more than one [debate]. There's no reason to think we'd need more than one." And he told the New York Times, "I don't think you learn anything about the issues" from debates. So please send Roger Ailes a message: Hypocrisy isn't fair and it isn't balanced; it's just hypocrisy—and we've had enough of it from you. - end quote.
Yep. Send the damn e-mail and tell FOX 'news' where to shove it. FYI I added some links. The email only contatined links to Edwards contribution sites. *cough*
"Dear Misty,
You may have heard by now that John Edwards was the first candidate to officially say no to the Fox News debate in Nevada—and because of the hard work of so many grassroots and netroots Democrats, news is breaking tonight that Fox is out.
Fox has already started striking back at John for saying no. (There's a surprise—Fox attacking a Democrat.) Last night, Roger Ailes—the life-long Republican operative who is now Chairman of Fox News Channel—said that any candidate "who believes he can blacklist any news organization is making a terrible mistake" and "runs a real risk of losing the voters."
And John's not their only target. Tonight Fox News Vice President David Rhodes is telling news organizations not to get involved in the Nevada Democratic Caucus because of "radical fringe" groups—meaning grassroots Democrats (that would be you)—who objected to Fox's long history of spreading Republican propaganda at the expense of Democratic leaders.
The whole right wing is getting in on the attack; the Drudge Report is blaring the headline: "War! Dems Pull Out of Fox News Debate."
Enough is enough. It's time to send a clear message to Fox News and their allies that their right-wing talking points and temper tantrums won't go unchallenged anymore—when it comes to what Democrats should do in the Democratic primary, we'll decide—no matter what they report.
Fox News has already proven they have no intention of providing "fair and balanced" coverage of any Democrat in this election.
In recent weeks they have run blatant lies about Senator Obama's background. And Fox was only too happy to give Ann Coulter a platform to spew more hate a few days after her bigoted attack on Senator Edwards and the gay community.
Now it's time for Democrats to stand together and send a clear message to Roger Ailes, Fox News and all the rest of them: bias isn't balance, but turning tables is fair:
The truth is, Fox News can "report" whatever they want. And when it works for us, we'll deal with them on our terms. But this campaign is about responsibility and accountability, and we need to send the message to Fox that if they want to be the corporate mouthpiece of the Republican Party more than they want to be an impartial news outlet, they shouldn't expect Democrats to play along.
You can send that message by contributing today, and remind Fox News that in this election, Democrats won't take their spin lying down:
Thank you for standing up for what we believe in.
Jonathan Prince
Deputy Campaign Manager
John Edwards for President
P.S. -- If the folks at Fox wonder why nobody thinks they play it straight, they should take a look at what Roger Ailes said about debates in 1988 when he was a top Republican spinmaster for then Vice President Bush: He told the Washington Post, "I don't know that we need to do more than one [debate]. There's no reason to think we'd need more than one." And he told the New York Times, "I don't think you learn anything about the issues" from debates. So please send Roger Ailes a message: Hypocrisy isn't fair and it isn't balanced; it's just hypocrisy—and we've had enough of it from you. - end quote.
Yep. Send the damn e-mail and tell FOX 'news' where to shove it. FYI I added some links. The email only contatined links to Edwards contribution sites. *cough*
Sunday, March 04, 2007
The Evils of War
Are you aware of the evil and corrupt nature of this war we are fighting?
Lets investigate.
Its no coincidence. Saddam Hussein switched his Country's currency to the Euro, and less than a year later- his Country was occupied. Due to his decision- our money became less valuable (have you been to Europe lately? Check out the exchange rates). American Dollars were no longer backed by the massive wealth that lies beneath the Iraq desert.
With our control over the sea of black gold, we dominate Eurasia. The demand for oil is booming as world populations grow. They have to buy it from somewhere- and being that the middle east sits over 3/4 of the worlds supply- well you do the math.
Dick (head) Cheney is the former CEO of Halliburton, the agency receiving the majority of rebuilding contracts in Iraq. He still holds a large chunk of Halliburton stock. In addition to these contracts- Halliburton is the sole company taking care of our troops. They are providing Shelter, water, and food for the Men and Women we have chosen to fight this war. Its supposed to be clean.
Instead, as you can see in the video including testimony from the former Halliburton purification specialist- they are recieving contaminated water.
Our brothers and sisters in the military trust their government. They trust that you and I will not send them to make the ultimate sacrifice needlessly. But- thats exactly what we are doing. As Mr. Carter stated above, if the our troops come back without a bullet, they may return home with deadly and contagious pathogens in their blood- due to the Bush administrations greed and indignation. They will come home to VA hospitals that cannot (or will not) care for them.
Instead of throwing around empty phrases and putting a 4 dollar magnet on your car- GIVE THE TROOPS REAL SUPPORT. Contact you local government officials and let them know you are concerned. Let them know you are aware, and you are spreading the word to everyone who will listen.
Lets investigate.
Its no coincidence. Saddam Hussein switched his Country's currency to the Euro, and less than a year later- his Country was occupied. Due to his decision- our money became less valuable (have you been to Europe lately? Check out the exchange rates). American Dollars were no longer backed by the massive wealth that lies beneath the Iraq desert.
With our control over the sea of black gold, we dominate Eurasia. The demand for oil is booming as world populations grow. They have to buy it from somewhere- and being that the middle east sits over 3/4 of the worlds supply- well you do the math.
Dick (head) Cheney is the former CEO of Halliburton, the agency receiving the majority of rebuilding contracts in Iraq. He still holds a large chunk of Halliburton stock. In addition to these contracts- Halliburton is the sole company taking care of our troops. They are providing Shelter, water, and food for the Men and Women we have chosen to fight this war. Its supposed to be clean.
Instead, as you can see in the video including testimony from the former Halliburton purification specialist- they are recieving contaminated water.
Our brothers and sisters in the military trust their government. They trust that you and I will not send them to make the ultimate sacrifice needlessly. But- thats exactly what we are doing. As Mr. Carter stated above, if the our troops come back without a bullet, they may return home with deadly and contagious pathogens in their blood- due to the Bush administrations greed and indignation. They will come home to VA hospitals that cannot (or will not) care for them.
Instead of throwing around empty phrases and putting a 4 dollar magnet on your car- GIVE THE TROOPS REAL SUPPORT. Contact you local government officials and let them know you are concerned. Let them know you are aware, and you are spreading the word to everyone who will listen.
Friday, February 23, 2007
More Fox "News" mumbo jumbo
Its quite possible I'm politically psychic. That or I have an IQ over 100.
Be concerned. Here we have an organization that claims to be a legitimate news outlet that millions of people watch, nay, depend on for information- that manifests as nothing more than a rumor mill. Fox "News" is nothing more than an arm for the conservative right wing agenda.
Normally, one would be better to simply take the high road and murder Rupert Murdoch. Oops! I mean just ignore the base-less, unfounded, ignorant bile the right wing offers. Unfortunately we have a lot on the line (so to speak, if you count the welfare of humanity) due to the looming presidential primaries. Due to the nature of gossip, and the relatively common practice of Americans being COMPLETELY uninformed, action is being taken to put down this so-called "News" station.
Please inform yourself. (Fox) News Hounds is a fantastic place to start, since you don't actually have to sully your soul with the O'Reily (yah really?) factor. For a (more) admittedly biased counter- spin site, check out FAIR-.
STEP NUMBER 2- For fucks sake, bitch. Bitch to your family, friends, the fucking government, sign the petitions that will only take 1.5 minutes. It takes longer to wipe my ass. There are people THAT YOU KNOW who still believe Barack is a terrorist because he went to a Muslim elementary school. Enlighten them.
One last Rant. Hilary does NOT need to apologize. We were all lied to. Its fantastic that others feel compelled to do so, yay for them. Instead of dwelling on the little things (like campaign funding and "clean" candidates) perhaps we should start making some decisions. Its unacceptable to be talking about a bill of rights for airline passengers while veterans of this war are literally rotting away in under-funded VA hospitals.
Thank you for your time. Now write to the people in power about the war. Or the free press.
Be concerned. Here we have an organization that claims to be a legitimate news outlet that millions of people watch, nay, depend on for information- that manifests as nothing more than a rumor mill. Fox "News" is nothing more than an arm for the conservative right wing agenda.
Normally, one would be better to simply take the high road and murder Rupert Murdoch. Oops! I mean just ignore the base-less, unfounded, ignorant bile the right wing offers. Unfortunately we have a lot on the line (so to speak, if you count the welfare of humanity) due to the looming presidential primaries. Due to the nature of gossip, and the relatively common practice of Americans being COMPLETELY uninformed, action is being taken to put down this so-called "News" station.
Please inform yourself. (Fox) News Hounds is a fantastic place to start, since you don't actually have to sully your soul with the O'Reily (yah really?) factor. For a (more) admittedly biased counter- spin site, check out FAIR-.
STEP NUMBER 2- For fucks sake, bitch. Bitch to your family, friends, the fucking government, sign the petitions that will only take 1.5 minutes. It takes longer to wipe my ass. There are people THAT YOU KNOW who still believe Barack is a terrorist because he went to a Muslim elementary school. Enlighten them.
One last Rant. Hilary does NOT need to apologize. We were all lied to. Its fantastic that others feel compelled to do so, yay for them. Instead of dwelling on the little things (like campaign funding and "clean" candidates) perhaps we should start making some decisions. Its unacceptable to be talking about a bill of rights for airline passengers while veterans of this war are literally rotting away in under-funded VA hospitals.
Thank you for your time. Now write to the people in power about the war. Or the free press.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Your Constitution being raped whilst you sleep
No Vote. No press. Not even the eyes of CSPAN are watching as the president infringes on posse comitatus - a federal law of the United States intended to prohibit Federal troops from supervising elections in former Confederate states. It generally prohibits Federal military personnel and units of the United States National Guard under Federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. Not any more. The old Bushy slipped us a constitutional mickey. Now he can Declare martial law whenever he sees fits. And you know how great his judgement is! I posted the article from the New York Times on my Myspace blog- its too big to place here, and you have to be a member to read it.
Obama is in town and boy- is he kicking all kinds of ass. I was privileged to see him speak this week and he blew my mind. He is daring, truthful and unafraid. I will be fighting to support him as our next president, as I think Hillary is just second best.
Mkay kids. Sorry I haven't updated lately. Had some dental work done and was in agony. I'll be more punctual about spewing all over the internets.
Obama is in town and boy- is he kicking all kinds of ass. I was privileged to see him speak this week and he blew my mind. He is daring, truthful and unafraid. I will be fighting to support him as our next president, as I think Hillary is just second best.
Mkay kids. Sorry I haven't updated lately. Had some dental work done and was in agony. I'll be more punctual about spewing all over the internets.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Hug the planet Assholes
The machine has been spinning its wheels since I was in primary school. Admittedly raised in a wildly liberal California, I was aware of the deterioration of the planet - caused by humans- from a very young age. As children we were warned of the consequences of pollution, holes in the ozone layer, global warming and the misogynistic/ christian kill em' all cause that's what they are here for mentality.
It appears to me that (20 years later) the cognizant public is starting to get it.
I watch a considerable amount of television these days, all of it news. (the evolving zeitgeist that I mention in my last post has made for some great new programing). From bbc world news, to Link and google current, I feel as though I have a pretty good idea of what kind of info the general populace is getting and/or interested in. We wont talk about my cspan addiction.
Every day. Every single day, there are reports about global warming. On every network... even cspan. Everyone is talking about it, which leads me to believe that everyone is concerned about it. As well they should be.
The environmental messiah has been nominated for the Nobel peace fucking prize. No shit. His ground breaking movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is being trumpeted as the cause for the general awareness that I have blissfully fell upon. In the news this week, Im sure you saw, more than once, the IPCC's report confirming that humans are responsible for global warming. It took a panel of geeky types to reiterate what Ive known since primary school, and 20 fucking years. Here I go again with the I told you so's.
In a nut shell, if you keep driving that SUV in oblivious chosen ignorance, your stupidity WILL cause the death of millions of people. YOUR planet will change so drastically, it will not sustain human life as we know it.
Funny evil story- I'm in the city of angels last night. An accident occurred on the freeway. Normally, this would concern me. Is everyone okay? Have the officials been called? Alas, I noticed what vehicles were involved. My heart stood sill, in joyous rapture, as I noticed an SUV had collided with a particularly hideous truck (with one of those fancy lift kits ha ha ha). Both monstrosities had crumbled with the impact. As I slowly drove by heckling and hoping that all of the passengers had died or been seriously injured, I remembered I wasn't alone. My friend requested that I never stop being so EVIL. It makes his tummy warm.
It appears to me that (20 years later) the cognizant public is starting to get it.
I watch a considerable amount of television these days, all of it news. (the evolving zeitgeist that I mention in my last post has made for some great new programing). From bbc world news, to Link and google current, I feel as though I have a pretty good idea of what kind of info the general populace is getting and/or interested in. We wont talk about my cspan addiction.
Every day. Every single day, there are reports about global warming. On every network... even cspan. Everyone is talking about it, which leads me to believe that everyone is concerned about it. As well they should be.
The environmental messiah has been nominated for the Nobel peace fucking prize. No shit. His ground breaking movie, An Inconvenient Truth, is being trumpeted as the cause for the general awareness that I have blissfully fell upon. In the news this week, Im sure you saw, more than once, the IPCC's report confirming that humans are responsible for global warming. It took a panel of geeky types to reiterate what Ive known since primary school, and 20 fucking years. Here I go again with the I told you so's.
In a nut shell, if you keep driving that SUV in oblivious chosen ignorance, your stupidity WILL cause the death of millions of people. YOUR planet will change so drastically, it will not sustain human life as we know it.
Funny evil story- I'm in the city of angels last night. An accident occurred on the freeway. Normally, this would concern me. Is everyone okay? Have the officials been called? Alas, I noticed what vehicles were involved. My heart stood sill, in joyous rapture, as I noticed an SUV had collided with a particularly hideous truck (with one of those fancy lift kits ha ha ha). Both monstrosities had crumbled with the impact. As I slowly drove by heckling and hoping that all of the passengers had died or been seriously injured, I remembered I wasn't alone. My friend requested that I never stop being so EVIL. It makes his tummy warm.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Well its about fucking time. The American people have finally found their voice. Thousands of people turned out this weekend for anti war protests all over the country. its quite gratifying. I'm not even bitter about the fact it took 7 years of bigotry and hate. 7 years of our civil rights being violated. 7 years of pain and death, as we watched our brothers and sisters die needlessly in the desert as our environment crumbled at our feet. Well maybe a little bitter.
I cant contain my adulation about ex white press Secretary Ari Fleischer and his testimony today. Never mind the fact that the Bush/ Cheney regime is going down in flames (I cant wait until those fuckers are put on trial for war crimes). We knew this testimony was going to be dirty (in a delicious seedy way) when Ari demanded immunity before he testified. Here is to hoping his testimony contributes to Cheney's former chief of staff inevitable prison sentence wherein he will be gang raped repeatedly by large hairy black men.
Do you hate your boss? How about an ex lover? I found this delectable site today where you can send scathing anonymous letters for the low low price of 3 bucks. It says anonymity is guaranteed- but what do they give you if your privacy is breeched? Your 3 dollars back? Although the CEO of the company I work for is first on my list to receive the funny how shit rises to the top card, I'll be verifying that guarantee before it actually gets sent.
Lastly, Tool is touring stateside again, which will be followed by a DVD/ CD release of the live show. Say goodbye kids, this is surely Maynard's last hurrah.
I cant contain my adulation about ex white press Secretary Ari Fleischer and his testimony today. Never mind the fact that the Bush/ Cheney regime is going down in flames (I cant wait until those fuckers are put on trial for war crimes). We knew this testimony was going to be dirty (in a delicious seedy way) when Ari demanded immunity before he testified. Here is to hoping his testimony contributes to Cheney's former chief of staff inevitable prison sentence wherein he will be gang raped repeatedly by large hairy black men.
Do you hate your boss? How about an ex lover? I found this delectable site today where you can send scathing anonymous letters for the low low price of 3 bucks. It says anonymity is guaranteed- but what do they give you if your privacy is breeched? Your 3 dollars back? Although the CEO of the company I work for is first on my list to receive the funny how shit rises to the top card, I'll be verifying that guarantee before it actually gets sent.
Lastly, Tool is touring stateside again, which will be followed by a DVD/ CD release of the live show. Say goodbye kids, this is surely Maynard's last hurrah.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Being 25 is extraordinarily stressful.
I feel the need to work with people right now. As in the last year. Not the typical charity stuff I USED to have time for, but a career change. Its just not moving fast enough, compounded by my indecisiveness. Behavioral health is such a vast field... its simply a matter of narrowing it down and finding where I fit. As always, this only a step. Up up and away.
And yet, there is the California pull. You would think one would grow out of this. I feel no shame or remorse in regards to my addiction to music. 10 years?
Now I have to go cancel a romantic weekend trip to Napa. Im sure he will understand. Really. THE SCREENING has been announced and shall not be missed.
I feel the need to work with people right now. As in the last year. Not the typical charity stuff I USED to have time for, but a career change. Its just not moving fast enough, compounded by my indecisiveness. Behavioral health is such a vast field... its simply a matter of narrowing it down and finding where I fit. As always, this only a step. Up up and away.
And yet, there is the California pull. You would think one would grow out of this. I feel no shame or remorse in regards to my addiction to music. 10 years?
Now I have to go cancel a romantic weekend trip to Napa. Im sure he will understand. Really. THE SCREENING has been announced and shall not be missed.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Dee Dee Dee
Fun in Democrat land!
Thanks to my Maria for the heads up on John Edwards Internet news. Edwards website is fantastic full of scathing documentary about today's political catastrophe. I mean seriously guys, pay attention. Politics is better than television! Anyway, my favorite candidate even has blog that will now be added to my favorites on the list you probably ignore (stop it, there is some important shit over there).
If nothing else, please take the time to sign a very important petition which urges congress to stop being babies and pull the plug on Iraq. The only criminal here is the smirking chimp, who blatantly insists on killing innocent people without the support of the American people. It will only take a moment, and it will make your day, I promise.
One more thing- if you need to resize photos for whatever reason, my bro found this really cool site that doesnt require you to download anything. Pretty fucking sweet!
Thanks to my Maria for the heads up on John Edwards Internet news. Edwards website is fantastic full of scathing documentary about today's political catastrophe. I mean seriously guys, pay attention. Politics is better than television! Anyway, my favorite candidate even has blog that will now be added to my favorites on the list you probably ignore (stop it, there is some important shit over there).
If nothing else, please take the time to sign a very important petition which urges congress to stop being babies and pull the plug on Iraq. The only criminal here is the smirking chimp, who blatantly insists on killing innocent people without the support of the American people. It will only take a moment, and it will make your day, I promise.
One more thing- if you need to resize photos for whatever reason, my bro found this really cool site that doesnt require you to download anything. Pretty fucking sweet!
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