Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dems will pwn teh primaries


Finally, the fucking fantastic John Edwards has announced he will be running for pres in '08. My liberal heart is filled with joy at the thought of a president who has a legitimate college education.

Okay, this is bigger than a degree.

Edwards is not afraid. He put his bid in early. His intentions are painfully clear. There can be no question about his potential domestic and foreign policy.

I'm still waiting for word from the Wesley camp. Oh, how I love politics.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Its that time of the month again!

Yay! And I still haven't figured out what I am going to about it. My estrogen rich ovaries continue to drop eggs into my pesky uterus. Perhaps one of the two readers of my blog would like to harvest this awful organ? I have no need of it and its in tip top shape.

Ah the looming presidential primaries. Such an exciting and important time. Truth be told, I'll vote for whatever democrat makes it through the primaries on top. Even it is the queen of "lets appeal to the moderates" Hillary Clinton. Republicans have one thing right- establish you're ideas, and stick to them. This fair lady is even loved by the neo-cons...

I would love to see Wesley Clark run this time. With John Edwards at his side they could navigate the sweeping change that must take place in this country. By the way naysayer, its not because Wes is dead sexy. He is a millitary genius and is a rogue scholar. What better person to guide us out a civil war WE created? Thats going to be tough.

Avast! People are trying to organize in a sensible manner to cure the ills of the planet and solve the problem of Global Warming. So far, so good. Its seems we have an agenda, and a clever little list (that made me cry for a good hour) to delineate what needs to be done. See the report on BBC world news United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Take it from there if you care. If not, go and drive that gas guzzling monstrosity while I enjoy my constitutional liberties. Whatever makes you happy.

Speeaking of happy! wooo hoooo! I shoiuldnt have taken that second pill. Fallling out of my chair and what not. Im going to finish off this gallon of H2O and hope you wont have to build a bridge over my ass in the morning.