Monday, January 29, 2007


Well its about fucking time. The American people have finally found their voice. Thousands of people turned out this weekend for anti war protests all over the country. its quite gratifying. I'm not even bitter about the fact it took 7 years of bigotry and hate. 7 years of our civil rights being violated. 7 years of pain and death, as we watched our brothers and sisters die needlessly in the desert as our environment crumbled at our feet. Well maybe a little bitter.

I cant contain my adulation about ex white press Secretary Ari Fleischer and his testimony today. Never mind the fact that the Bush/ Cheney regime is going down in flames (I cant wait until those fuckers are put on trial for war crimes). We knew this testimony was going to be dirty (in a delicious seedy way) when Ari demanded immunity before he testified. Here is to hoping his testimony contributes to Cheney's former chief of staff inevitable prison sentence wherein he will be gang raped repeatedly by large hairy black men.

Do you hate your boss? How about an ex lover? I found this delectable site today where you can send scathing anonymous letters for the low low price of 3 bucks. It says anonymity is guaranteed- but what do they give you if your privacy is breeched? Your 3 dollars back? Although the CEO of the company I work for is first on my list to receive the funny how shit rises to the top card, I'll be verifying that guarantee before it actually gets sent.

Lastly, Tool is touring stateside again, which will be followed by a DVD/ CD release of the live show. Say goodbye kids, this is surely Maynard's last hurrah.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Being 25 is extraordinarily stressful.

I feel the need to work with people right now. As in the last year. Not the typical charity stuff I USED to have time for, but a career change. Its just not moving fast enough, compounded by my indecisiveness. Behavioral health is such a vast field... its simply a matter of narrowing it down and finding where I fit. As always, this only a step. Up up and away.

And yet, there is the California pull. You would think one would grow out of this. I feel no shame or remorse in regards to my addiction to music. 10 years?

Now I have to go cancel a romantic weekend trip to Napa. Im sure he will understand. Really. THE SCREENING has been announced and shall not be missed.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Dee Dee Dee

Fun in Democrat land!

Thanks to my Maria for the heads up on John Edwards Internet news. Edwards website is fantastic full of scathing documentary about today's political catastrophe. I mean seriously guys, pay attention. Politics is better than television! Anyway, my favorite candidate even has blog that will now be added to my favorites on the list you probably ignore (stop it, there is some important shit over there).

If nothing else, please take the time to sign a very important petition which urges congress to stop being babies and pull the plug on Iraq. The only criminal here is the smirking chimp, who blatantly insists on killing innocent people without the support of the American people. It will only take a moment, and it will make your day, I promise.

One more thing- if you need to resize photos for whatever reason, my bro found this really cool site that doesnt require you to download anything. Pretty fucking sweet!