Wednesday, March 28, 2007


*pokes* *pokes* *pokes*

Thats the sound of Iran goading the west. A threat here, some defiance there. *poke*

Is it going to work?

I believe the powers in Iran are purposefully picking at a very open wound. Why? These people understand what Americans refuse to believe. We have lost in Iraq and in the middle east. We went into Iraq with no plans, goals, or legitimate intentions. Yes, we have lost. Our impetuous bible thumping president is stupid enough to cling to the last bit of selfish texan pride that he has, and he is going to take us down with him. The shit stirrers in Iran are painfully aware that the W wont back down from the fight, regardless of his odds. Regardless of who suffers. They know, as I know, that the US will not win a new conflict in the middle east. We dont have the man power, the money, or the equipment to win the third world war.

Why is winning so important anyway? What cost are YOU willing to pay to win a fight? In the end does it really matter who wins? Say you are fighting with your spouse- do you think about the outcome of the argument? if you win.. what do you gain? If the only thing you gain is a divorce do you still continue?

Im simply asking what Britain and America gain if we fight back. We may have pride, but our countries will be burning at our feet.

So come on Tony Blair- just say it. Just tell them your soldiers were trespassing, EVEN IF THEY WEREN'T. What will you gain if you don't, and you prove them wrong? So just fucking say it, get your people home safe, and lets leave Iran alone.

There is a solution- and its not war. If we can become energy independent, we don't have to deal with the middle east more. We can step away from the hot spot without another drop of blood being spilled.

Monday, March 26, 2007



Or perhaps I woke up in some sick Orwellian nightmare?

How many subversives have disappeared? How many people have been shipped overseas to be tortured? How many of our children will we send to the slaughter? How many of your civil rights will be whisked away whilst you are sleeping in the dead of night?

The Bush administration is pure evil. His people were spying on American citizens long before the 'patriot act' was passed (google "patriot act violations" and count how many stories compare George W to Hitler). Oh, how our noble forefathers must be rolling in their graves. The Vice Pres can be directly connected with the outing of a CIA operative WHILE ON ASSIGNMENT. Valerie Plame could have murdered. But Rove and the boys are sucking up all of their ill-begotten war profits so why the hell should they care? Those slimy soulless fucks probably don't lose any sleep. Wait- minions of the anti-christ dont need sleep.

I sit in shock sometimes as I watch the news. Either (local) news is under-reporting, focusing on local crap only hicks care about OR legitimate news organizations are reporting on my government committing crimes against the world that I didn't think we were capable of. I had no idea the American people would ever allow this. Our Government, a supposedly elected government, is trampling all over the constitution, the very fabric of this country.

Okay I'm done. Yet again, I cant get even half-way through "Meet your Meat" without crying. How can people go to the grocery store and buy that stuff? They must know how these animals suffer? Or perhaps its this pervasive christian state- it doesnt matter what suffers because God put it there.

Tell your God to kiss my ass. He is a stinking, vilanous, maleficent dictator and I'll have nothing to do with it.

Monday, March 12, 2007

My kind of guys.

I recieved this email today. Summed up the sentiment perfectly.

"Dear Misty,

You may have heard by now that John Edwards was the first candidate to officially say no to the Fox News debate in Nevada—and because of the hard work of so many grassroots and netroots Democrats, news is breaking tonight that Fox is out.

Fox has already started striking back at John for saying no. (There's a surprise—Fox attacking a Democrat.) Last night, Roger Ailes—the life-long Republican operative who is now Chairman of Fox News Channel—said that any candidate "who believes he can blacklist any news organization is making a terrible mistake" and "runs a real risk of losing the voters."

And John's not their only target. Tonight Fox News Vice President David Rhodes is telling news organizations not to get involved in the Nevada Democratic Caucus because of "radical fringe" groups—meaning grassroots Democrats (that would be you)—who objected to Fox's long history of spreading Republican propaganda at the expense of Democratic leaders.

The whole right wing is getting in on the attack; the Drudge Report is blaring the headline: "War! Dems Pull Out of Fox News Debate."

Enough is enough. It's time to send a clear message to Fox News and their allies that their right-wing talking points and temper tantrums won't go unchallenged anymore—when it comes to what Democrats should do in the Democratic primary, we'll decide—no matter what they report.

Fox News has already proven they have no intention of providing "fair and balanced" coverage of any Democrat in this election.

In recent weeks they have run blatant lies about Senator Obama's background. And Fox was only too happy to give Ann Coulter a platform to spew more hate a few days after her bigoted attack on Senator Edwards and the gay community.

Now it's time for Democrats to stand together and send a clear message to Roger Ailes, Fox News and all the rest of them: bias isn't balance, but turning tables is fair:

The truth is, Fox News can "report" whatever they want. And when it works for us, we'll deal with them on our terms. But this campaign is about responsibility and accountability, and we need to send the message to Fox that if they want to be the corporate mouthpiece of the Republican Party more than they want to be an impartial news outlet, they shouldn't expect Democrats to play along.

You can send that message by contributing today, and remind Fox News that in this election, Democrats won't take their spin lying down:

Thank you for standing up for what we believe in.

Jonathan Prince
Deputy Campaign Manager
John Edwards for President

P.S. -- If the folks at Fox wonder why nobody thinks they play it straight, they should take a look at what Roger Ailes said about debates in 1988 when he was a top Republican spinmaster for then Vice President Bush: He told the Washington Post, "I don't know that we need to do more than one [debate]. There's no reason to think we'd need more than one." And he told the New York Times, "I don't think you learn anything about the issues" from debates. So please send Roger Ailes a message: Hypocrisy isn't fair and it isn't balanced; it's just hypocrisy—and we've had enough of it from you. - end quote.

Yep. Send the damn e-mail and tell FOX 'news' where to shove it. FYI I added some links. The email only contatined links to Edwards contribution sites. *cough*

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The Evils of War

Are you aware of the evil and corrupt nature of this war we are fighting?

Lets investigate.

Its no coincidence. Saddam Hussein switched his Country's currency to the Euro, and less than a year later- his Country was occupied. Due to his decision- our money became less valuable (have you been to Europe lately? Check out the exchange rates). American Dollars were no longer backed by the massive wealth that lies beneath the Iraq desert.

With our control over the sea of black gold, we dominate Eurasia. The demand for oil is booming as world populations grow. They have to buy it from somewhere- and being that the middle east sits over 3/4 of the worlds supply- well you do the math.

Dick (head) Cheney is the former CEO of Halliburton, the agency receiving the majority of rebuilding contracts in Iraq. He still holds a large chunk of Halliburton stock. In addition to these contracts- Halliburton is the sole company taking care of our troops. They are providing Shelter, water, and food for the Men and Women we have chosen to fight this war. Its supposed to be clean.
Instead, as you can see in the video including testimony from the former Halliburton purification specialist- they are recieving contaminated water.


Our brothers and sisters in the military trust their government. They trust that you and I will not send them to make the ultimate sacrifice needlessly. But- thats exactly what we are doing. As Mr. Carter stated above, if the our troops come back without a bullet, they may return home with deadly and contagious pathogens in their blood- due to the Bush administrations greed and indignation. They will come home to VA hospitals that cannot (or will not) care for them.

Instead of throwing around empty phrases and putting a 4 dollar magnet on your car- GIVE THE TROOPS REAL SUPPORT. Contact you local government officials and let them know you are concerned. Let them know you are aware, and you are spreading the word to everyone who will listen.