Monday, September 10, 2007

Thicker Skin

So Repugs can dish it but cant take it.

The dudes over at issued a scathing- but truthful advertisement accusing the cooking the books on the General Patraeus Iraq report. In addition, they used General betray-us, a clever little play on words which I appreciated. The repugs ARE PISSED and so are the Dems. Ridiculous. So we are supposed lie down and take their ridicule, hate mongering and blatant falsifications? Because we wouldn't want to seem distasteful? Well fuck you Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. I find a war in Iraq when a million people have died distasteful. I find our Presidents persistence to live distasteful. I find the fact that you two jack asses dont have the balls to impeach the Smirking Chimp EXTREMELY distasteful.

AND OOHHHH Keith Olbermann said Fox News is worse than Al-Qaeda. In playboy it looks like, but I cant access the direct link at work. The Liberal media hasn't picked up on it yet, and I certainly don't want to link a repug blog- they might think they actually matter if they get a bunch of hits.