Monday, October 23, 2006

What is wrong with YOU?

Guess what! I'm single.

Have been for ages. And you know what? Its fufilling. Im completely independent, financially and emotionally. I dont have the burning the desire to run out and go on crappy dates to find 'the one'. Me. I am completely self sufficient. Im so sick of the looks, and the questions. WHY IS SUCH A GREAT PERSON SINGLE? they ask. Because I want to be. There is nothing wrong with me because I enjoy being alone. I love doing what I want, when I want. Have you ever condidered the possiblity that there is something wrong with you? Fighting to keep dead relationships alive just so you dont have to be alone? Sacrificing yourself and your happiness because thats what society says is appropriate? Suffereing, day in and day out, reminising of a time when your life wasnt someone elses?

Oh and guess what? Its not because of my ex-husband (not to be mistaken for the douche bag below). He didnt "do this" to me, nor did anyone. Im simply a whole person. It really pisses me off when people attribute my attitudes to a cause. You want to know what caused this? Reality. Reason. A clear vision of what exists apart from perception.

So if Im crying myself to sleep at night, its not because Im missing something. Its because the state of humanity is devastating. Im concerned about the the world my child was born into. I worry about the suffering of others, and what I can do to alleviate it.

So save it. Instead of judging people by quaint norms, open your mind.


Unknown said...

Dude, you know what's eerie? I posted something similar in my LJ (though it's locked to the public so I'm not sure you've seen it). No lie! i ranted about being so in love with being single...

Uncle Labotomy said...

Tell it how it is sista.